Chapter 9

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The seat on the swing was still dewy from this morning. I wiped away the droplets so I could sit down. I love this kind of weather because everything is so quiet, with everyone staying in at home either sleeping in or just being snuggled up in their blankets. Days like this seem so much more warm if you have someone with you to build forts and just cuddle but who would want to do those things when your so called significant other is a backstabbing cheater. I shook the thought out of my head and pushed myself sightly on the swing. As I swung higher and higher, I could feel the cold breeze hit my face, refreshing myself more.

"I remembered the guys going here after busy weekends," a voice said from behind me.

Startled, I jumped off the swing and rolled onto the sandpit.

"Shit sorry haha," the man apologised and reached out to help me up.

"Kyungsoo?" I asked the man.

"Thought you'd forget about me," Kyungsoo chuckled and brought me into a hug," Where have you been it's been so long!"

"Just out and about, trying to not die," I replied,"What about you? What are you doing still stuck in a place like this?"

"Can't exactly escape if I'm enlisted in the military to help out," he shrugged,"Any who, why are you sitting here? You should be out visiting people like me who have been wondering where the hell you and your brother have been."

"Just like to think about stuff..."I shrugged and fiddled with the bracelet mother left for me.

"Hm? What's that?" Kyungsoo pointed to the bracelet.

"It's a long story..." I trailed off.

"Hey how about we'll talk more at my place. You seem quite down. Some soju might make you feel a bit better," he suggested.

We walked back to his place. This place brought me back many memories. I wouldn't lie if I didn't say I liked Kyungsoo, especially when he told me his feelings towards me. Kai and him used to be best friends as kids so it was natural for me to hang around with them a lot. We stopped seeing each other when both of them got into the company but we occasionally got the chance to make a brief encounter whenever he'd drop Kai home. When Suho and I dated, we still didn't talk much. I guess it was a bit awkward seeing your childhood crush date one of your best mates. Although we tried to keep some form of mutual relationship, the awkward tension that just formed whenever we tried to be friendly stopped us from going any further than small chat.

"You kept this place looking pretty nice seeing how what's been going around," I said when we got in.

"Thanks. I don't know how I managed to keep this place like this while still working up with the other guys," he said and got out the soju bottle two shot glasses,"So tell me, what's on your mind that's making you think so much?"

"I don't know where to start. Mother and father aren't around any more," I sighed as I took a shot of soju,"Then there's Junmyeon."

"What happened between you two?" Kyungsoo sat upright.

"He's got a kid," I sighed once more.

Kyungsoo was about to take a sip out of his shot glass but pursed his lips and placed it down.

"That must've been rough for you," he said after a while.

"Did you know about it?" I turned to him.

"No..." he looked at me.

"Are you lying to me? Kai knew about it. I bet you the other guys knew about it. I bet Chanyeol does too!" I began to raise my voice.

"Hey now...Calm down. Have another shot. Honestly I didn't know about it at all. I guess I know why he would keep it away from me," he tried to calm me down as he poured more into my glass.

"Sorry...I'm just pissed. That's all I felt since I got here. I was glad to finally be home but I ditched Kai because I missed this place so much but I realised what I did was wrong. Kai was right to stop me but I'm so bloody stubborn. I would've been much happier up away from these walls," I ranted before plonking my head onto his shoulder,"I just don't know who to believe anymore."

Kyungsoo's body eased itself when placed my head on his shoulder. The awkward stiffness melted into comfort and wrapped itself around me. I longed to be with him when we were younger but we went our own ways. To this day I've always had a soft spot for him but I don't think it's right to do anything about this. I just doesn't feel right to do anymore. I shot up from my seat and opened up his cupboard.

"What are you planning to do?" Kyungsoo followed me.

"I'm going to go home. Drink off my anger and sleep until I feel like getting up," I hiccuped and grabbed a bottle of vodka,"Hope you weren't planning to drink this."

"Hey take it easy will ya? I'm here if you need anything okay?" he grabbed my hand.

I stared at his hand before looking up and giving him a reassuring nod. I gave him a hug before getting my coat and began walking back home.

Before I even got off the front porch, I had already taken at least 3 sips from the bottle. It might turn out to be a long night but I have what seems to be my only friend at the moment to keep me company. Whatever I do after the alcohol kicks in, will most probably make me regret everything but hey, friends can do that too ans I've got nothing left to lose. Not the things I care about at least.

I staggered up to the front door and twisted the door knob at the front door. My head is banging from how strong this stuff was but why won't anyone open this door for me?

"Hey asshole let me into my home!" I banged on the door loudly and tried to push it.

I think I managed to push the door so hard it opened, making me fall and most probably black out.


I'm literal fire with these updates lmao. Last week of school this week god bless. I doubt I'll update more regularly because I'll spend the summer holidays doing nothing so yeah. I'll update a bit before Christmas so ya. Hope you enjoyed.

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