Chapter 3

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"Come out where ever you ever are before there comes much more worse consequences!" boomed the voice.

I cursed under my breath as I accidentally knocked over a stand as I run behind a shelf to hide.

"I can hear you and I know where you are so you better come out before we do this the hard way," the voice instructed.

I ignored his threat and stayed hidden behind the shelf. He fired his gun through the shelf as a warning shot.

"I can keep doing this until I hit you or you can come out now," he warned.

I sighed and threw my gun on the ground and came out with my hands behind my head.

"Alright fine you got m—Kris??" I blinked.

The man lowered his gun as soon as I said that name.

"Min-hee....God it's been so long," he sighed in relief.

"Yeah it have you been holding up?" I asked.

"Yeah yeah it's been good. How's um.. your brother and the other guys?" he scratched his head.

"Uh...they're okay I guess..." I lied.

"They're not okay are they?" he looked up.

"I don't know...I ran away from Kai a few days ago to come back to Seoul to see how things are. I haven't seen anyone I know besides Kai for a while now," I confessed,"I better get going if I wanna get to Seoul in time. Oh here's your food packs back... I didn't mean to take them."

"Actually keep it. We have heaps here at the camp. You're probably starving so just keep it. But are you sure you don't want to spend a day or two here?" he said.

"I'll be fine. Thanks any way. Stay strong," I smiled at him before heading my way out.

I didn't care that it was pouring down with rain, I just wanted to go back home. Home was only a few hours away and I'm determined to get home. There was a deeper reason why I wanted to go back besides seeing if mother and father were okay but I didn't know what it was. It grew a fire inside of me but kept me unsure what it really wanted.

I finally began to see the city at the end of the road and the place looked so depressing. The outskirts of the city was fenced up by a giant wall and at the top of them had bodies staked through by the chest and left there to squirm around. There seemed to be no way in without being caught so I just approached the gate. As soon as I walked in range of the gates, the lights instantly lit up, blinding me.

"State your purpose entering this area," the mic commanded.

"I'm here to visit. I've come from the far mountains and I wish to stay here for a few nights before leaving," I yelled at them.

There was a silence and nothing happened.

"Drop your weapons. We'll send down someone to inspect you," the mic answered.

I threw my backpack to the ground and chucked my gun to the floor but I kept my blade hidden in my back pocket. Someone emerged from the little door within the huge gate. He was a very tall and handsome man but his face was ringing a bell in my head, as though I've seen him before.

"Ok I want you to empty your pockets to the ground," he ordered.

I did what I was told but I didn't remove eye contact with him and neither did he. I think he too was trying to figure out if we have ever met before.

"I'm sorry but I must ask you something...Are you Yunho?" I asked.

"How do you know my name?" he looked at me.

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