Chapter 6

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"Min-hee please hear what I have to say before you storm off," Suho called after me down the stairs.

I go for the door handle before a hand laid itself on top of it.

"Please listen..." he pleaded.

"I don't have to hear anything alright? I know you're a two timing jerk and that's all I need to know to never ever go near you again. Now move out the way!" I pushed him to the side.

"It was an accident I swear! She didn't want to exactly want to get rid of him even though the company was basically threatening her contract with it but I paid them some money to try their best to keep the whole situation quiet," he explained.

"It's always money and you isn't it? I don't care if you had the child or not, but for you to keep this in the dark for such a long time is unacceptable!" I yelled at him.

"Babe...Please lower your voice you'll wake him up. Look she didn't talk to me after she gave birth to him and she thought it was a burden to have him since we weren't even married to have him let alone a relationship. He really needs a mother figure in his life," Suho begged.

"Don't babe me Junmyeon. You weren't in a relationship with her but this happened? So you just go around and bang multiple girls because you think you're so smart seeing how everyone calls you $uho? That's pathetic and I feel so sorry for that child to have a parent like you!" I spat.

"Min-hee noona...Don't be mad at my abeoji..." I heard a quiet voice squeak from the top of the stairs.

Fuck. Why do people always walk in at the wrong times. The little boy slowly made his way down the stairs and rubbed his eyes before standing in front of Suho.

"He's the only person I have as a real family besides ahjumma Amber. Please don't be mean to him," he sniffed.

"Look I'm sorry you had to see what had happened. What's your name?" I asked him.

"Kim Tae Sung," he proudly said.

"What a cute name for a handsome boy like you. Anyways, I'm sorry for what I said. I hope you grow up to be a good boy and listen to your elders. I'll be leaving now," I smiled at him.

Suho grabbed my hand again as I was about to leave. I was about to shake him off but Tae Sung removed Suho's hand off mine and told him to let me be.

I closed the gate behind me and dropped to the ground. Why am I such a horrible person? That poor boy. To not have anyone to be there for him properly but to hear someone who he said was nice and helped him to insult someone who meant something a lot to him is probably going to have an impact on him. Min-hee, get a hold of yourself. He's not a concern of you anymore. He never will. Let go of the people who hurt you most in order to move on.

"Min-hee noona?" a voice whispered from behind the fence. "Noona can you help open the gate for me?"

I sat up and peered over the gate and little Tae Sung was standing behind it. I pulled the lever and pushed the gate open and he waddled out and sat besides me.

"Please don't leave my daddy," he said as he traced his fingers along the rips of my jeans.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry you had to hear that but I can't stay for long," I tried to explain.

"You don't have to explain. I know what happened. Emeoni Krystal didn't mean to leave me like this but haraboji didn't agree to it and abeoji was the only one who cherished me a lot. You mean a lot to him and I don't want him to lose someone else who means the world to him," he sniffed.

"Tae Sung-ah...I'm sorry. I would stay but my brother is sick and we must leave," I said.

I felt sorry for the kid to have to be raised in a world like this. With such a complicated background and me thrown in somewhere amongst it, it would cause so much grief and confusion for him. I knew what my parents went through was tough on both me and Kai but I think Tae Sung has it worse. I don't want him to know about the reason why I'm leaving Suho because he's far too young to know. He's a smart boy and he'll probably figure it out one day and realise what his father has done. Tae Sung had clung to my arm and fell asleep.

"Ok let's take you up to bed before you catch a cold," I whispered and lifted him up.

I tucked him into my bed and slid my little teddy bear under his arms for him to cuddle with something. Once I felt like he was safe, I closed the door gently and began to go back.I don't know where he went after we talked but as long as i don't see his face I'll be fine. It was cold out so I decided to hurry up and get back before Kai freezes. By the time I arrived to the place there was a car park nearby with a strange figure walking towards the little place we were staying in. I hurried towards the place and peered through the window.

"Hey you right there buddy? Yuhno told me what happened to you just then. Here take off your shirt," the voice asked.

"Oh thanks. Does Min-hee know you're here? She seems really upset. I don't think you should be here for too long. We're going to go get me checked up tomorrow," Kai said.

"Nah it's ok she's at home with Tae Sung. She came to take some stuff. He takes a while to fall asleep so we'll be fine," he replied.

There was a long silence after their little conversation with the occasional wincing of pain from Kai.

"Looks like you're good to go but I really suggest you to stay around for a few days or maybe weeks so we can see its progress just to make sure there won't be any infections," the voice finished up.

I stepped back from the window and moved towards the door with my gun pointed ready for who was behind.

"Woah ok lower the gun!" Suho emerged from the door.

"Min-hee please lower your gun. It's ok he's here to help me please," Kai pleaded and threw himself in front of him.

"You should probably get home. Shouldn't leave a kid home alone like that," I ordered and gestured my gun towards his car.

"Alright... Just remember to go to the clinic by our house tomorrow so they can properly clean him up," he reminded me before leaving.

Our house?? Disgusting. How dare he claim the house of my parents as something we share. How dare he act like he's done nothing wrong and that he can easily get things done his way. I threw the blankets at Kai and pushed my way in.

"Hey can we at least talk about why he's here or why you were even taking stuff from the house?" Kai spoke up.

"There's nothing to talk about. And that is OUR house Kai. i should be free to come in and take what I need before leaving without anyone's permission. Reminder Kai that our parents owned that house and technically that stupid jerk is trespassing so I am free to do whatever i want thank you very much," I snapped before stuffing my head into my pillow


Hey guyssssss. So like yeah i cbf finishing editing this. i finally found the lost files and html for the document i was using to write this and yeah. I don't know if i'll update soon or not but yeah enjoy :))

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