Chapter 10

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The sunlight woke me up once again this morning but I refused to wake up so I rolled over in bed only to face someone lying besides me.

"Hey I think you should sleep more, I have a feeling you're going to be super hung over," Suho whispered to me before putting his arms on me.

*Flashback from last night*

"Who the hell is knocking so god damn loudly?" I thought to myself out loud.

I jogged down the stairs and opened the door and someone feel directly on top of me. At first it thought it was a loose Runner that had somehow managed to get past and get into the house but this person reeked of alcohol. Lifting their head up slightly with my hand, I saw Min-Hee.

"I've told you not to drink like this. You don't know how it can affect your health, especially with a weak body like yours," I told her off.

She didn't reply, so I guess she drank heaps before she managed to get home like this. I got up and helped her down onto the sofa.

"Hey Earth to Min-Hee, tell me how much you drank to become like this," I tried to ask her.

"You...don't know shit man...I just had one shot... Ahaha who am I kidding. Why do you care?" Her words slurred out of her mouth.

"Because I'm worried for your health," I replied to her as I tried to pour some tea for her.

"You know you don't need to know because you didn't tell me about your baby. What boyfriend does that? The answer is held right in front of me," she flicked her hands at me.

"Min-Hee, I'm not going to even try and reason with you here, especially seeing how you're drunk. Please drink something and I'll heat up the stew you made earlier," I told her.

As I was about to get up, she grabbed onto my wrist.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I just said I was going to heat up the stew," I said.

"No don't leave me. Take me with you," she pouted and stood up before falling back onto the couch.

"No listen you need to rest," I repeated but she sat up and hugged me around the waist.

"Take me with you or I am going to kiss you," she threatened.

"I'd rather leave you here if you're going to be like this," I smirked.

She stood up and smiled before crashing her lips onto mine. It was a nice kiss if you minus out the pungent smell of alcohol.

"Righty-o. Take me to get food and feed me," she smiled after breaking the kiss and wrapping her fingers into mine.

She followed closely by, still holding tightly onto my hand into the kitchen.

"Okay sit at the table while I put the stew on okay?" I told her and directed her to the table.

"No I'm going to sit on the counter whether you like it or not," she teased and ran up to the counter, sitting herself down.

I sighed but allowed her to do what she wanted. She left the leftovers in the fridge in the little pot, leaving a sticky note on what to do.

"I miss you writing Kai and I these cute notes when you made us meals to bring to training," I chuckled and stuck it on her forehead.

"You know what I miss?" she said as she grabbed my hands and pulled me towards her more.

There was less than a few centimetres between us. I could feel her breath that had the smell of liquor swirling amongst it. The smell had somehow lessened, making it way less intoxicating but just enough to know that she's been drinking. She still kept her eye contact with me and her hands had let go of mine and placed them around my face, cupping it. My heart wasn't pounding, nor was it fluttering... I didn't know what it was doing to me. I felt like I needed her but my heart wasn't telling me to do that.

"You," she finally said,"I miss you."

She moved her hand from my face and ran it through my hair, stopping every now and then to just pause and look at me. After a few moments of her staring at me, her hands found their way back onto my face and wrapped them around my neck. Doing so, she slipped off the counter and was standing on her feet, arms still wrapped around my neck.

"Though you've changed, though I hate you to the bones, despite all that's happening between us, I some how still find myself getting attached to you again. I hate myself for that but I've got no one else," she whispered out loud.

I still didn't know how to react. Was it the alcohol talking or was it truly how she felt? People drink in order for them to tell others how they really feel, without that conscious restriction. I've never seen Min-hee this drunk before and if she ever was this drunk so I don't know how to respond to her words. The sincerity in her tone was enough for me to catch on it may have been how she felt but her motions to me feel weak, making me hesitant. I decided to settle on hugging her back.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being the world's biggest dick, especially during times like these. It's all I can do, and I'm so god damn sorry. I don't know why I'm like this," I apologised and slightly tightened my grip.

"I want to stay like this for now...Just to remember what this felt like," she said and leaned into my chest.

After Min-Hee had finished up the stew we heated up, I told her to go upstairs and get some rest while I made her some tea. What happened earlier didn't feel awkward but what keeps me thinking about it, it that I don't know what to believe. I know I shouldn't because she was under the influence but in that moment, everything felt so right. I missed being with her so bad and I don't know what I can do to make it up to her. She's been through so much in order to come back here for comfort but then she discovered about her parents and then this big bombshell hit her hard, causing her to be so harder on herself and those around her.


Yo Christmas is sooooo soon! I can't believe this year has gone by so quickly wtf woah man. Do you guys have any plans or anything? I'm just gonna sit on the couch and just catch up on some TV Shows before their Christmas specials lol haha

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