Chapter 7

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I waited outside for Kai at the clinic yesterday. Krystal was working as one of the nurses in the clinic and I didn't really want to see her face. I kept myself occupied by collecting the flowers from a nearby bush and made a flower crown.

"Daddy look how pretty she looks! I want to make one too!" I hear a little boy squeal from my right side.

"Honey come here don't pick flowers off those bushes," the father tried to stop him.

I looked up and the little boy was across the street plopped himself besides a bush and started picking flowers and attempting to weave them into a crown. I smiled and crossed the street and crouched down beside him.

"Here you can have mine," i smiled and handed it to him.

"Really? Thank you!! Oh noona Min-hee??" the boy thanked.

"Tae Sung...what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"We're going to visit the clinic mummy is working at because daddy wanted to help out today," he replied.

"Is that so?" I blinked and turned around and Suho was kicking some rock along the road waiting for us. "Well we should get back to him. Come on!"

"Not yet!! You have to hold my hand and we have to look left and right before we cross the road!" he stopped me.

"Oh yeah that's right! What a smart boy you are. Ok look left and right....Does it look like the coast is clear?" I lead him.

He nodded his head and skipped across the road.

"Tae Sung be careful!" Suho called out.

Tae Sung accidentally stepped on his own foot and fell over and scraped his knee.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" I kneeled down beside him.

"I'm ok...It just hurts to stretch it," he sniffed.

I lifted him up and took him inside the clinic for them to clean him up.

"Min-hee unnie..." Krystal said as I walked in.

"Your son's hurt, I think you should tend to him first before you do anything else," I said before walking away to where Kai was.

"So what's the news?" I asked Kai.

"They said my wound is ok I just need to rest up. They said I should stay here at the clinic just to make sure," Kai explained as he got up.

"Stay here at the clinic...Huh... Alright well do you want me to go get for something to eat?" I sighed.

He gave me a nod before lying back down and continuing reading his magazine. I wanted to go see is Tae Sung was okay but the vibe between Suho and Krystal was awkward enough so I decided to not add to the tension. I had no clue how things worked around here since facility areas were turned into camp areas and with building orders changed around, I wasn't quite sure where to go.

"Are you going to get some snacks?" Suho asked from behind.

"Where I'm going doesn't really concern you but if you must know, yes I am," I said.

"I'll take you to where we can get some stuff. Tae Sung might be a bit hungry," he walked up to me and grabbed my hand to lead the way to which I snatched my arm away from him.

He led me to the back of what used to be a big store but half the building was tore down and was beginning to decay from the lack of maintenance.

"Good morning! How are you?" Suho greeted the lady.

"Good morning Junmyeon! Same old I guess. Min-hee! Goodness it's been so long," the woman hugged me.

"Yeah it has...How are you and your family holding up lately?" I smiled.

"Ah they're good. My son recently signed up for the army to help and my silly husband is still the same I guess. What can I do for you two?" she said.

"We're wondering if you have anything that we could use to make some lunch and maybe some snacks too?" Suho said.

"Yes, of course. Min-hee would you like to come and pick out what you'd like?" she nodded.

I followed her through the door into the store room which led to the inside of the store. They managed to close off the areas that were worn out to separate them to the huge food section. The woman hobbled over to the shelves and grabbed some cans and placed them into a bag along with a few chocolate bars.

"Ahjumma, you don't have to put those chocolate bars in. I don't think anyone would eat them," I stopped her.

"Nonsense Min-hee! Your son loves them," she shook her head. "Speaking of your son. Where did you go for the past year or so? You should know better than to leave Tae Sung on his own...And why didn't you tell me about him as well? Poor Junmyeon had to look after him all his own."

Has he been going around telling people that he was MY kid? But I couldn't tell everyone that he's not my kid because I don't want people to shame on him and poor Tae Sung will be confronted by lots of people about me.

"I didn't mean to leave. My parents told us to move away from the upcoming wave of infections from this apocalypse. I didn't get a chance to do anything and we left straight away...Sorry," I told her.

"Ahhh...Well why you left doesn't matter now. As long as you're going to stay here to watch Tae Sung bloom into a handsome young man," she smiled.

But I don't want to stay. I can't bare to stay here any longer and the fact that everyone wants me to stay makes me feel like that if I leave, I'll be a burden to everyone. I just want Kai to get better so we can get out of here.

We finished getting what we needed and headed out of the place. We said goodbye to ahjumma and made our way back to the clinic. Suho tried to walk besides me but I sped up so he was left trailing behind me.

"So how's Kai holding up?" Suho finally said.

"I dunno why don't you go ask him if you're so worried about him," I replied.

"Look," he grabbed my hand," I'm sorry okay. I truly am sorry. It was a stupid mistake I made and I can't undo what I've done. I just need you to stay with me please. Honestly, it'd make my life so much easier and you seem to be natural around kids and Tae Sung really enjoys your company," he pleaded.

"After all these years that you've been lying to me and the one time I come back, I find out you've had a child and now you're asking me to help raise a child that isn't even mine? You really are something," I shouted at him and walked off.

Kai was asleep when we arrived at the clinic and Tae Sung was no where to be seen. I fixed Kai's blanket to cover him properly before going out to prepare lunch.

"NOOOONAAAAA!" A little boy screamed and hugged my leg.

"Oh hi Tae Sung. I see your leg is better," I looked down.

"Yeah! Mummy Krystal fixed and she even gave me a lollypop. Where's daddy?" he said.

"Uh I think he's still back at the clinic. Do you want to go back there with him or come with me to cook lunch?" I offered.

"I want to cook and help you!" he squealed excitedly back.


Oops it's been a while hasn't it?? ahah Sorry...I haven't had the chance to go on wattpad as often but um yeah enjoy this chapter. MAMA 2015 was hectic man, what were your thoughts on it? Leave a comment and vote this chapter :)

p.s idk if i'll continue with my other fics but if you want to suggest some ideas for me to move the plot along or something, feel free :)

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