Chapter 5

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I decided that it was getting late and I should head back before I got Suho worried. He's been a bit jumpy since I got back and I don't want to keep him waiting. My watch said it was 10:30 pm and so I assumed he was fast asleep so I carefully opened the door so I wouldn't wake him up.

"Tae Sung you ok? I was looking all over for you," Suho hugged him.

"Yes...Daddy can I ask you a question?" the boy asked.

"Of course!" Suho looked at him.

"Why can't I live with you and my noona?" he stared at him.

"I...I don't know baby...What's wrong with living with mummy Krystal?" he shook his head.

"She's scary and she often doesn't come home but she won't let me come here," the boy explained.

"Tae Sung...I'm going to try and get you living with me okay? I just need to explain Min-hee and we'll see. How about you sleep with me tonight and we'll see tomorrow okay?" Suho smiled before ruffling the kid's head.

"Min-hee is very nice. She helped me today and it was her who helped me go to the playgroup centre. Look she's here!" the boy pointed.

Shit. I knew I should've stood out the door and not stick my head in. Suho stood up and saw me. I ran out the house as fast as I could and didn't turn back once I exit out the door. God I was right why didn't I not realise any sooner. That lying bastard has been lying to me all these years and I didn't know. How did that even work? Krystal??? She's signed up under a strict company and a baby at her age would've exploded all over social media especially the fact that she's in a popular girl group. Without thinking, I ran to Kai and I's little hiding place and buried myself in my arms and cried for what felt like hours.

"Min-hee?" a voice called from behind the door.

I quickly gathered myself up and had my gun in my hand pointing at the door ready for who was behind the door. The door opened itself, slowly revealing who's behind it with a long creak.

"KAI!" I yelled and jumped onto him. "Shit you're alive I'm so sorry for leaving you I just wanted to be back here and maybe you were right, this place isn't for us we should get back to our place."

"Ouch Min-hee be careful..." Kai winced and grabbed his shoulder.

I let him go of my grip and I had blood on my shirt.

"Kai...what..what happened oh my god," I stepped back horrified.

"I was trying to look for you and some guys jumped on me. I barely escaped and this wound has been killing me for days now." he groaned.

"Shit I'm so sorry. Come in I'll find something," I pulled him into our little shed.

I rummaged in the box of toys we had and found my toy first aid kit I had when I was young. It wasn't a proper one but it had a bandage i would use to wrap around Mr Pinku's head when he had a booboo and used it to wrap it around Kai.

"Can't believe this crummy old thing still stands," Kai said after I finished up.

"Yeah I'm surprised myself too. Where would we even be if it wasn't for this placed," I chuckled.

"So what's happened here since we left?" Kai turned to me.

I couldn't answer his question. This town was such a nice place to live in and dreamed of living in this place forever until I grew old but since I've come back, this place is nothing to me any more. I thought Suho would be the only reason I stayed but I guess I can't trust and believe in him either. Kai asked me the question again but I scrunched my jacket up with my fist and bit my lip before handing him the letter.

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