Macbeth Vibes

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"Aru, wake up. We have to go."

Aru groggily blinked her eyes open to see Aiden shaking her gently. She sat up quickly, remembering the events that occurred only a couple hours ago. After the kiss, they had remained with each other for a while, eventually falling asleep side by side. Strangely enough, Aru slept better than she had in these past few days.

"Right," she muttered, swinging her legs off the bed. She stretched, her joints popping and cracking. Then, she frowned. "Wait, where exactly are we going?"

Aiden pointed to a note that was plastered on the door. Scrawled with huge, loopy cursive letters, read: Pandavas, I have located the door. Come to the throne room when you wake. Lots of love, the Palace.

"Why does the Palace have better handwriting than I do?" she asked, mostly to herself.

Aiden smirked. "It's not exactly a competition."

Aru swatted him. "Just who's side are you on?"

"I thought I told you already? I'm always on your side, Shah. Though, I never said anything about your handwriting." 

She huffed and crossed her arms. "Rude."

Aiden didn't respond. Instead, he watched her closely until she began to feel herself redden.

"What?" she asked, trying to hide her blush.

Aiden shook his head. "It's nothing...just...are you okay now?"

She smiled. In fact, she never felt better. "Yep," she said, mustering up all the cheer she could. "Thanks to you." Aru crossed to the other side of the bed in two huge steps and hugged him. They had definitely gotten over the very awkward stage. Now, it was just awkward, but it wasn't weird anymore. She just felt warm and fuzzy, like she had just dipped herself in a warm bath.

Aiden didn't reply, but he hugged her back fiercely and wouldn't let go until Aru gently untangled herself.

"Come on," she urged, after making sure she had her things. The SSS buzzed on her finger, as if it were waking up after a long nap. She grabbed Gandalf and transformed it into a small dagger, sticking it in her waist belt. "We should get going. I bet the Sleeper's army is nearly there."

Aiden's features turned serious. "You're right."

Aru and Aiden crossed the hall to reach the throne room. She gasped when she entered. It was beautiful. A long, red carpet patterned with golden swirls was laid out on top of the tiles. At the back of the room stood six golden thrones of equal size, except one was more noticeably smaller than the rest. The smaller one must have been for Draupadi, Aru realized with a start. She hid a smile as she imagined her and her sisters on the larger thrones and Aiden on the smaller one. He would probably have tons of complaints about that.

A loud snapping noise shook her from her thoughts, and she looked to her right. Aru was surprised to see her sisters and Rudy already waiting for them.

"You two lovebirds sure took your own sweet time," remarked Brynne.

"We came as fast as we could," argued Aiden, a red tint splashing over his cheeks.

He didn't deny it, said Mini through the mind-link.

Aru didn't answer; she just blushed. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Brynne and Mini exchange looks with each other.

Did something happen between the two of you? asked Brynne, grinning from ear to ear.

Well...we are kinda together now officially...I guess, answered Aru, looking at her feet.

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