Potatoes, Assemble!

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Aru attacked Mahishasura from behind, and he yelled, withdrawing his aim on Kara. He howled in pain and whipped around.

"Hey!" Aru shouted, steadying herself as she pointed Gandalf at him. "Ever heard of honorable combat? You know, without attacking someone who's unconscious?"

Mahishasura growled, but didn't reply as he attacked her with the Soul Trident. Aru ducked and sparred with him, drawing him away from Kara.

All was going well, until her stupid shoelace came in the way again. Ugh, again, she really should have invested in some nice velcro shoes instead. Aru felt herself fall forward as she tripped over her shoelace, and she fell to the ground.

Gandalf clattered out of her hand and rolled a couple feet away from her.

"I've got you now, Pandava!" Mahishasura yelled triumphantly as he towered over her and raised the Soul Trident.


She heard Aiden scream her name and start to move towards her, but it would be too late. Aru couldn't find the energy in her legs to dodge, and she squeezed her eyes, waiting for certain death.

Until it didn't come.

She slowly pried her eyes open and glanced up. Three prongs protruded out of Mahishasura's horrible sweatshirt. The rakshasa looked down, surprised.

"Don't hurt her," said a familiar voice. Kara. Kara had woken up and stood behind Mahishasura with Sunny's shaft in her hands.

Mahishasura let out a cry so loud that the ground seemed to shake. "Noooo!" he wailed, as he fell to his knees.

But he didn't fall completely over as Aru had expected. Instead, he began to dissolve into dust, starting with his arm. She stared as a wide-eyed Mahishasura could only watch himself turn into ashes.

"No," he bemoaned. "I don't want to go back there!"

Aru had to bite her lip to stop herself from saying the famous 'Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good' line, as Mahishasura vanished in to specks of dust that gathered in the air into a huge ball, and floated down to the entrance of Pathal-Loka.

Kara and Aru stared at each other.

Kara tried to give her a smile, but failed miserably. "Thanks."

Aru nodded, but before she could say anything, Kara moved forward and swiped up the Soul Trident.

"Wait, Kara!" Aru said, stepping forward. "Don't. Please."

Kara took a step back uncertainly, the trident cradled in her arms. "I have to do this, Aru. Dad said it's the only way we could become a family again."

"Kara, he's lying to you," Aru tried again. She gazed into her sister's honey-golden eyes. "Listen, you need to know the truth-"

"-Kara, dear!" came the Sleeper's voice a couple feet away. He waved a dark, smoky hand in the air and said, "Bring the trident here, to me."

Kara visibly hesitated, but retreated back a step, further away from Aru. "I'm sorry," she said, not quite meeting Aru's eyes, and she ran to the Sleeper who waited with outstretched arms.

Shah, what now?

Aru turned around to see Brynne looking at her. Her sister moved ever so slightly and grinned. Just say the word.

Mini nodded next to her. We're ready.

Aru took a deep breath and strode towards her friends. After receiving nods of confirmation from each one, Aru turned to the Sleeper, who was admiring the trident with awe.

Aru Shah and the Soul TridentWhere stories live. Discover now