Chapter two

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Tw: brief mention of drinking.

1521 words.

Dream pov:

Nothing else interesting happened during the
school day. I had lunch with Nick, and Karl. I can
see why Nick has taken a liking to Karl, he is sweet,
and a conversation with him is never a boring one.

Now, I am sitting in my car with the windows
rolled down, while listening to whatever song is
being played on the radio with the volume turned
down low.

My phone made a 'doing' noise, telling me that my
mother had texted me. I changed the text tone of
my mother and sister to different noises, so when I
am driving, and I get a notification I can tell who it
is while being completely safe.

Being curious of what the message says, I pull my
car over on the gravel side of the road. I take my
phone out of my pocket and tap my thumb over the
4 digits that I always do 9175.


Honey, when you get home can you please drive
Drista to Lani's house? Im at work and I dont get
off until after dinner. It is very busy here at the
hospital. Love you.

My mother always texted long paragraphs. I
assumed all mothers did that for some reason but
thats not important right now.


Yeah I'll drop her off as soon as she needs to be.
Love you too get home safe <3

My mom read my text and never responded. I
am assuming that she was called back from her

The rest of the drive back was normal, nothing too
weird. Once I see the street that my house is on I
park my car in the driveway, leaving enough room
for my mother to park her car in comfortably.

I walk up to my front door when I see a decent
sized brown box. I squint my eyes, trying to focus
on the small lettering, but my horrible eye-sight
fails me.

Cautiously I walked up to it, and read that
someone in my household had bought something.
The box had big red letters that said fragile on all of
the sides.

My mother wasn't the type of person to buy
something that she did not 100 percent need, so I
wonder what is in this box.

Realizing that the box would be better off in the
house, I try to pick it up, and it is lighter than I
initially thought. The door has a slight crack, from
when I unlocked it, so I use my foot to push it the
rest of the way open.

Drista's voice rings through my ears, and at first I
think she is talking to me, then I hear another voice
sounding like it is through a computer of some sort.
'She must be using the family computer to call

I hear muffled talking until one sentence catches
my attention. "Lani, I can't wait to go over there
and summon the devil." She sounds sarcastic, but I
know Lani doesn't pick up on it because she quickly
says "Drista! We are not going to be doing that."

They end the call afterwards, and by then I dragged
the box into my room to unbox it, mainly because
my mothers room is further down the hall and this
box is heavy as fuck.

I walk over to my pillow that lays on my bed, lift it
up a little, and grab a medium sized elegant black
knife with a classic emerald in the middle that my
father gave to me on my 17th birthday.

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