Chapter eleven

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2088 words

Dream pov:

I have been so stressed lately, worrying about Drista. We still haven't found anything out, and George said that he has heard nothing of her in his dimension, which we started to call 'Sunpō.' It is Japanese for dimension, I know it's not that creative but saying dimension is getting boring.

Right now I am talking to George, and he is telling me about his life. At the moment he is telling me that he is learning Japanese, which is another reason we started calling his dimension 'Sunpō.'

"For the past week I have been extra bored, so I started learning Japanese. My nanny gave me a book. It was confusing at first, but that's fine. That's the whole process of learning isn't it? I never went to school, how is it?" He asked me.

"School is like hell, but I guess it would be heaven to you since you've never been there before, and you like learning." I responded. After Drista disappeared I have been talking to George a lot more. Mostly to get my mind off of everything, but also because I like talking to him. He calms me down, and comforts me when I need it.

We talked everyday for hours on end, at this point he knows more about me than my own sister does. I love the way he reacts to things. They are always so cute. For instance, when I made myself eggs for breakfast, and pretended to give some to him, he faked eating them, and it was so cute I could just scream.

Also his favorite color is blue, which is why the walls are that color, and when I told him mine was green he pointed to his walls and said "I'm a genius." I don't get why that would make him a genius, but I don't need to.

We talked about everything, well more like I did. I told him about the things that are in the outside world, I told him about my family, and friends. He even pitched in and told me about his family.

He told me that his mother died when he was 14 from a heart attack. How sad. I mean he always told me good things about his mother, she seemed like a genuinely good person. From his description, I think she would have gotten along with my mother.

I like everything about George, but for some reason the world hates us together. First Techno- who killed my father- is his dad, and many other things, not to the same extent though.

It's dangerous falling for someone in another dimension, but for now I know I'll be okay. As long as I am with George.

"Are you okay Clay?" I can tell he is worried about me. I have been spacing out a lot. I haven't been at school for about a whole week, and Nick has passed by a couple times to give me notes on the classes that we share.

"You need to sleep, Clay. I promise that my father hasn't touched her. I don't even think that he is in Sunpō anymore." George says quietly. I know he is trying to calm my nerves but it isn't working. "No, I can't. Why do you think that?"

He is laying down on his bed looking at me with worried eyes. "I haven't seen him in a while."

Maybe Techno is in my dimension now, I mean that wouldn't be unreasonable right? I'm gonna ask Nick.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Nick. He picks up after a few rings, and says "Hey clay, what's up man?" I take a deep breath and respond with "Has Techno been at school?"

I look over at the clock, it is lunch time, so Nick is probably hanging out with Karl and his friends, which he told me about. He said that they were chill, well, most of them. He told me a boy named Tommy was wild, and he is always hanging around Tubbo.

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