Chapter ten

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Tw: small mention of blood.

2413 words

Dream pov:

Lani and I have been racing all over campus for about half an hour now. I'm starting to get really worried. At first I thought that Drista was hanging out with some boy, but now I'm thinking that she's in danger.

"She's nowhere Clay." Lani says in frustration. I can tell she is starting to lose all hope in finding Drista. We decide to go back to where Lani and Drista normally hang out and try to figure out where she is mentally.

The silence between us is thick, we are both in deep thought worried about Drista. In the distance I see my ex best friend walking towards us.

I silently pray to god that he isn't going to try to talk to me, but of course my prayers are thrown deep into the ocean where no one can find them, not even God himself.

"Clay, we need to talk now," he says sterny. "Fuck off Fundy." I retorted. In the corner of my eye I see Lani roll her eyes at him. Everybody in our school knows what happened between me and Fundy in 8th grade.

He started a rumor about my family and I, and how we were part of the most dangerous mafia. It sounds like not a big deal right? Just as everyone was going to call him a sick liar, he pulls out his phone and shows a fake video of my father shooting someone. It looked so real, if I didn't know for sure that my dad wouldn't do that I would have believed him.

It's safe to say after that day, we never spoke again. I even occasionally glared at him when we passed each other in the halls.

"Okay man I know you hate me but its-" I cut him off by leaving. He tries to follow me but I push him into the floor. He grabs his head in pain, and I look away so I don't begin to feel bad.

Lani gets up from where she was sitting and follows after me. "I know you don't like him, Clay, but you could've been a little nicer." She speaks softly. Lani is an angel, she is so kind and that is why I'm so comfortable with her hanging out with my sister.

We walk around school throwing out ideas about Drista's where-abouts. Eventually the bell rings but we don't make a sliver of effort to go to class, the first period is over and we still have no clue where Drista is.

"Oh shoot Tubbo is coming, he's going to be mad." Lani speaks out, breaking the silence that filled the air beforehand. I look up from the pavement and see Tubbo marching towards us, he is practically fuming.

"Clay, why wasn't Lani in class?!" The semi-yells at me. "Okay calm down dude." I pause, trying to find the right words to say next. "We can't find Drista, and Lani offered to help me find her." His expression calms down immediately. Tubbo was a decent friend of mine, he is on the football team with Tommy, Nick, Skeppy, Karl, and Wilbur.

I decided not to join the football team because my father always loved football, and now that he's gone I can't bring myself to enjoy the sport.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Let me help you guys." He says calmly, making his way over to us. I nod my head as a response and put on the most fake smile.

He turns his head towards his sister and says "We are going to find her, don't worry Lani." "We searched the whole school multiple times, she isn't on campus." He nods his head taking in the information that I just gave him.

"Shit. Clay trouble is coming." At first I think he is referring to Techno- I mean Dave- but when I turn around I'm met with a face that betrayed me all of those years ago.

"Listen man. I am not here to cause trouble." He starts to speak, keeping his distance between us. "Then why the fuck are you here?" I spit at him, finally giving him a chance to speak.

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