Chapter seven

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Tw: description of violence, and little bit of horny time.

2155 words

Dream pov:

After I hear a gunshot just outside my door, I flinch. I want to hide in my room and cry, but I can't because I need to make sure that nobody that I care about got shot. I stumble as I walk out due to nervousness, and fear. There is no way I could have mentally prepared for the image that is now embedded in my brain.

My father was lying lifelessly on the floor, with blood pouring out of his chest, where his heart was. I rushed over to him, holding him close to my chest as I sobbed. It felt as if my entire world just left me.

"If you tell a single soul about this, I promise you that things will only get worse." I whip my head around, and look into the eyes of the person who had just killed my father. I pray to whoever is up above to bring him back and take me instead, because after all it is fully my fault.

It's my fault that my father is dead, if I had just stayed in my room like he had told me maybe, just maybe he would still be here with me. I just wish I could go back in time and make smarter choices.

That's why I didn't tell Nick how I knew Techno. I feared him killing my sister, or maybe my mother. I start turning around, when I hear someone call for me. "Hey Clay, come meet Dave!" Of course Nick had to see me.

Reluctantly I turn around again so I am facing Techno, Nick, and Karl. I am met with warm smiles from all three, I can't help but see right through techno's smile. For anyone who doesn't know our story it might seem real, but for me I see that his smile holds some sort of taunting power.

Dave was his name. I only knew him as Techno. I wonder where he came up with the name Techno.

"Oh hey guys." My voice cracked. I hope they didn't notice. I sit down next to Karl, and as far away from Techno as possible without raising unwanted questions.

I need to tell Nick, but can't help but feel scared. What if Techno- wait no Dave, found out. What would he do? Would he kill my family, or my friends?

I tune back into the conversation that I don't remember tuning out of. "Me and Karl will be right back," I see Karl blush, and nod. "Bye guys." They both say in unison, and now I am left alone with the person who changed my life for the worse.

"Now that they are gone... I think we have some catching up to do." Techno's monotone voice rings through my ears, it has gotten deeper from when I last heard it. I pick at the skin on my fingers next to the nail, not even daring to make eye contact with Techno. In the corner of my eye, I see him sliding over a little so he is right in front of me.

I can tell he doesn't like this because he says shortly after, "Look at me kid," he takes a long pause for dramatic effect and continues "now." I slowly lift my eyes to meet his chocolate brown ones. He looks different, his hair is longer, but still a pastel pink color. There is something wrong about his clothes, they seem weird. Maybe they just look different to me because the last time I saw him he was covered in my dad's blood.

He chuckles slowly, obviously seeing how scared I was. "W-why are you here?" I silently curse myself for stuttering. He folds his arms and sets them on the table, and leans in. He starts talking in a slight whisper, so others around him don't listen in.

"Had to make sure you didn't tell anyone about me, now that would be bad. When I figure out who you told, I will simply kill them." My eyes widened. 'Oh fuck'


I remain calm, if he sees me panic, he will definitely know I told someone. I hesitated before I replied, "I didn't tell anyone." He doesn't look satisfied. "Why'd you hesitate then? Hmm?" I wanted nothing more than to not be in this situation right now. 'Please Nick get back'

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