Chapter three

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Tw: death, sadness.

2318 words

Dream pov:

Later on in the day, I made myself microwave mac
and cheese. When I hear my sister text my phone.


I'm staying the night at Lani's. I ran it with mom
already and she's okay with it.


Okay are you going to ride with her to school tmr?



I left her on read, and headed to my room for the
night. My mother had texted me earlier telling me
that the mayor's daughter got badly injured and
that she had to stay later at the hospital. To keep an
eye on her.

Everybody in this small town loved her, probably
more than the president. She was like royalty, I
didn't get it though. I mean, sure she was pretty,
but I don't get why everyone, even girls, are
simping over her.

I needed to get ready for bed, but I didn't want to.
Right now I was laying down in my bed with the
warm blankets over me, damn I didn't want to
move. I reluctantly got up and turned on the
shower before picking out clothes to wear to bed

Once the water was perfectly heated to almost
burning the skin on contact, I stepped in. Most of
my showers consisted of me making up fake
stories, where my life is perfect like a fairytale. I
always find the love of my life, it's really the perfect

For the first time in about a week or two I don't
have a fake story to make me feel better about my
life. I don't have an escape from reality. Instead I
start thinking about my dad, remembering one of
my favorite memories that I think about almost
every day. It was my 14th birthday.

I woke up from the alarm that I had set the night
before. This is one of the rare times when I don't
regret waking up, especially at 6:30 am. It's my
birthday today! I run down the hall, trying to be
quiet but failing badly. My father came out of his
room rubbing his face.

He doesn't look mad, more like a 'why the hell are
you awake.' "hey dad! Sorry I was just so excited
for today I had to wake up early." I say quickly.
My father looks at me like I was speaking
gibberish, but nods.

"It's okay son. Your mother had to leave about 30
minutes ago, she got called into work. She said to
go ahead and give you the present I got you, and
that when she returns she will give you hers." My
father speaks slowly, like he is half asleep, which
he is.

I nod my head, showing him that I was in fact
listening to what he was saying. "Can I go wake
Drista up?" I really wanted my sister to be there
when I opened my presents. My dad thinks a little
bit before muttering a 'yeah.'

I slid down the hall in my socks, my feet didn't
want to lift off the floor. Until I got to my sister's
door. I knock quietly so as to not be rude and then
walk in. I silently laugh when I see her arm
hanging off the side of the bed, with her face
directly facing me. She looks pissed, I hope it isn't
at me in her dream.

Her eyes are closed, but not for long. She
immediately senses that I am here, and without
opening her eyes she mutters "Get the hell out
Clay, i will be down in ..." She doesn't finish her

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