Chapter four

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Tw: mention of self hatred

1960 words

Dream pov:

Four excruciatingly long days went by, and now it's friday. To top it all off, my least favorite day, my birthday. It used to be my favorite, but ever since my father died on exactly September 5th, 12:09 am. I hated my it.

(Just pretend Dreams' birthday is on september 5th.)

I had to go to school yet again for 6 hours. I didn't want to celebrate my birthday this year, but Nick convinced me to let him stay over.

I'm glad he did, because if he didnt then I would probably be sitting in my bed crying, eating vanilla ice cream from the tub that it comes in, with a spoon that hasn't been washed in weeks.

The school day was fine. Karl wished me a happy birthday and said he was going to drop off a present for me later, but I insisted that he didn't need to get anything for me.

Nick didn't ride with me home. He said that his mother needed him to bring his brother somewhere, if I am being honest I can't remember. It's not my fault that I wasn't listening.

Nicky-poo <333333

On m wy gt reafy gor brst day of ue lige
(On my way, get ready for the best day of your life)

Nick always had the most spelling errors, which is why we call most of the time. I wonder what he got me for my birthday. Nick only lived like 5 minutes away from here, so I started cleaning my room a little, which only consisted of me shoving all of my dirty laundry in my closet.

This morning I walked in front of my old mirror, that has been in the same spot ever since my parents moved here around 20 years ago. I hated the way I looked, Everytime I took a look at myself on a reflective service, I always saw the little teenage boy who couldn't defend himself, and let his father die.

I hear my front door open, and I immediately know that its my best friend. He always barged into my home like its his own and it practically is, I mean he is here just about every weekend. Maybe next weekend I will invite Karl too, he seems chill and I can tell Nick likes him a lot.

"Clay, get your bitch ass down here and open this amazing present.!" As I was walking down the hall I saw drista also coming out of her room. "Drist-" I start to talk to her and get immediately interrupted. "Shut up, I want to see what Nick got you, then you two can watch porn."

(I am making drista so much like me in this fanfic it's unreal)

I stood there shocked for a second, before fully realizing what my sister said. "I- I dont watch porn?" My statement came off as a question which made my sister almost laugh out loud.

I jogged up to get to her and see Nick staring at us wide eyed. 'Oh god' I think to myself, whatever is coming out of Nick's mouth next isnt going to be good. "Only if its the gay shit, you know us so well." Nick starts violently laughing at his own joke.

That's the good thing about my family, they are so welcoming to my friends that they treat them like family. In this case my sister acts like she's the one that has been friends with Nick for 10 years and not me.

"Of course the gay porn, forgot for a sec." I look at my sister confused, then she gave me the 'he fucking told me he was gay too idiot' look. It's true how could I forget that Nick literally had a family meeting (with my family) when he came out.

My entire family, at least what's left of it, accepted him for who he is. "Come on nimrod, open your present." I hated to admit it but I was actually happy Nick practically invited himself over. I opened the present, and my eyes grew impossibly wide of what Nick had gotten me. I could hear his hysterical laughing from halfway across the room.

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