Arguing (pt. 1)

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They/them pronouns


I sit in my room after my, what seems like, daily argument with my brother, ever since high school started it feels like he has been getting more physical. He's been hitting me, smashing bottles on my head, for when he's drunk. And it's been showing, everyone is asking about my home life. Or course I lie, I have too. He has eyes and ears everywhere. Devon, (your brother's name because it sounds like a drunkie by 18 name because that's him 😀) he's a senior, and his friends are everywhere, it seems like he's buddy's with everyone in this damned school. I barely even have any friends. I have 2, which we barely even talk to one another. We're more like, lunch buddy's, we talk there but since we don't have any other classes together, and we just don't talk outside out school, we aren't aren't close. We have each other's numbers but they never text me, I don't know about them. They could be talking behind my back for who knows. Their names are, Jake, and Katrine, I know, pretty straight names, but they're nice to me, at least in front of me. I'm agender, and use they/them pronouns, so people don't really like me, I had a lot of friends in middle school, but then we moved after I finished 8th grade. Devon just said, that 'You should focus on your school, not friends, or whatever this agender crap is. School should only be on your mind right now.' and I hate him for that. He was fine with everything in 7th grade, before he started drinking, and before our parents left us. The note they left us just said bye, mistakes. Which is kinda funny. I mean they took the time to write that, instead of just leaving. I giggle to myself everytime I read it again.

"Y/n! Get out here, foods here." Devon grumbles out. I open my door to have Devon in a slouched position with a plate in front of me. I grab it from his hands, he in which slams my door in my face, the wind Flys in my face making me a bit stuned, but then walked to my bed. It was just some Chinese, chicken with rice. That's all he'd normally get, for me at least, he'd invite a group of his friends over and have a fest, it smelled like they had hamburgers, hot dogs, and French fries. With my guess, 20 beers, distributed between them all, there was about 10 people over, luckly my room is no where near the living room so it was muffled mostly. After I finished eating I placed my garbage outside of my door, and went back to my bed to sleep, I have school tomorrow, sadly that means it's the end of the weekend, which so means that I don't have to deal with Devon, he goes out and drink all throughout the week, and doesn't get home untill late, or early morning. Or just don't come home at all.


I wake up to my alarm, killing my ears. I turn it off. I get up and head towards my closet, I throw on a lilac colored hoodie, with a purple mushroom in the middle, with some black leggings, and a long white skirt, (that matches right?) I put my backpack on and head out of the apartment I was staying in. I walk to school, today it was raining, and Devon has the only umbrella in the house. Luckly most of the walk had covering. Today felt off, for some reason. I pulled my phone out to check the time. It was 5:30? That's a bit early, my alarm would go off right now, no wonder it feels differnt, it's because it's early. Devon had something to do with this, well whatever I'll be early then. I continue to walk to school, being as it is 5 in the morning, I'd would wait for an hour at school, which means I'll probably take a nap in home room because I said so. I walk in, a boy was sitting down, weird I've never seen him before. He looked my way and gave a awkward wave, I wave back. I go to my seat, lay my backpack next to the desk, and lay my head down on my desk, making me fall asleep within seconds.


"U-uhm hey, wake up." I voice rang in my ears.

"Huh?" I rise my head up, with some laughter, oh its class time.

"You feel asleep, and class has started." It was the boy from earlier.

"Oh, uhm," I sit up, everyone was looking at me, snickering, giggling. Blush crept across my face from embarrassment.

"Thank you Wilbur, now take your seat." The teacher said. "Okay, today class we will be-"


I sit at the table I always do, in which my 'friends' switched again. I didn't care at this point, I would rather sit alone then talk to them right now. I eat what I can from the strange slop, they served today. They say it's mashed potatoes, gray, and chicken all mixed up. It sure doesn't taste like it. I push it to the side, I couldn't stomach anymore. Someone then tapped on my shoulder. It was the boy, Wilbur im assuming.

"Oh uhm, hi you seem lonely, do you uhm mind if I...sit with you?" He asks awkwardly, I nod yes, I didn't want to come of rude. It also sounds like it took him a lot to ask. He smiled brightly and sat right next to me.


Part two will be out soon :)

[DISCONTINUED] [Simpbur oneshots] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora