Chapter Four

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                                                                             The First Encounter

Midoriya POV:

As I was swinging I realized something. The girls are going to a mall! There are tons of malls here, so maybe they won't go to the north mall. 'Jeez, I should have asked what mall there were heading to!' I mentally tell myself. 'Whatever ever I'm sure they won't be here...' I swing above the roof of the mall and looked inside. 'Why does there have to be so many people?!' Take a look around. 'Nobody seems suspicious' I let my legs dangle off the ledge of the roof as I look down at the hundreds of shoppers below. To let time pass I played on my phone, as I was playing I remembered I can call Ochako to see if she's at this mall! I quickly start ringing up her phone number. "Please, please pick up.." she didn't pick up, I was sent to voicemail. I just hung up. I sigh in defeat as I know I don't know the other girl's phone number. I didn't bother to call police reinforcements because I should be able to handle this on my own. "I guess all I can do now is just sit and pray that there not he-" I was cut off mid-sentence when screaming was heard on the other side of the mall.

'Is this it?' I quickly swing down to the ground and run in that direction of the mall. As I was about to run around the curved corner an explosion set off. 'What the heck is happening?!' I panicked as this has never happened to me! I only handled bank robberies, and other crimes as low as that! As people ran past me I saw it, the creature. The thing that witnesses describe. He indeed was covered in black inky substance and a white spider logo on its chest. 'What the heck is that thing!?'. "Ah Spider-Man, the person we were waiting to see" it spoke in a low deep distorted voice, I was too stunned to say anything. "We are venom," he said with a toothy smile. 'Who's we?! So he's not working alone' I thought as I looked around for any other suspicious people, but there was none. "Do you not speak? That is truly a shame" as he picked up a nearby escalator off of the floor. 'What the heck!?' I mentally start panicking. "Whoa wait what are you doing?!" I yell! "Ah good, you do talk" he was about to throw it at me, I was ready to dodge but, he stopped mid-throw. 

"Look it's Spider-Man!"

That tone of voice. I know that tone of voice. I quickly look to my side and gasp, it was the girls! "OCHA- uh HEY YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE ITS NOT SAFE" I yelled at the group. They were on the second floor and were about to run away when that creature known as venom caught them. "What are you- Stop put them down!" I yell and swung over to attempt to save them as I was about to land a hit, he seemed to crush the girls in his fists. They screamed in pain! "Do not come any closer or I will crush them" Venom spoke. I knew he was serious so I stopped and flipped back to the first floor. I stood my ground ready for what was about to come next. He shoved the girls into a nearby shop and closed the gate on them. "There now we can fight." He spoke with a dark giggle at the end. "Why are you doing all this?!" I asked hoping a bystander would call the police. "I'm the villain of course! Also how else was I supposed to get your attention." 

I froze. All this for my attention? Did he want to meet me? What's going on?! "Excuse me?" I drop my fighting pose. "I know you won't come to meet a random person due to the 'wanting' to meet you," he said. "Then why do crime! I'm always happy to meet fans on the streets!" I try to reason with him. "That's not our point!" He lunged at me so suddenly I did have time to react. He used one hand to keep me still in his grip. 'Ok, he is strong-'. I began to try and wiggle out of his grip. "How about we see who is under the mask," he said with a big smile. My eyes widened. "What don't! Stop!" I scream as he was about to lift my mask, helicopters were above us broadcasting the entire thing! The erring sound did make venom act weird, he dropped me and I fell on my butt. 'Ouch,' I look up and see that he was in a glitching motion like the sound of the helicopters disturbed him very much. I noticed how as he was glitching the bits of him dissolved and I saw a person in the middle of the creature! It grabbed his head in an attempt to block out the sound. I needed to catch this guy but I needed to make sure the girls were okay. It was a tough decision, but Venom roared and with a single jump he was out of the mall! 'Holy crap!' "Hey get back here!" I was about to head after him but I remember Ochako and the girls.

I swung up to where the store they were stuck in. "Hello? Hey, are you guys ok?" I said as I reopened the gate. "EEEK ITS SPIDER-MAN!" Mina said being a fam girl. "Can we have a picture!?" She added. "Uh, Mina? A nice thank you would be nice?" Ochako said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "Oh right! Thank you!" Tsu thanked me as well. As they left the store and calmly left the mall, paramedics arrived and checked upon them.

I quickly swing out but last minute I heard, "Awh darn it! I forgot to ask him for a group photo!" Mina said whining. I giggled and landed on a nearby building. A growl of my stomach spoke as I looked around. 'I'll stop by a coffee shop for a bite after this' I thought but noticed that there was a path of debris leading away from the mall. 'Yes, a lead!' I followed it and it lead me to an abandoned warehouse. 'So this is where he hides' as I was about to swing in my phone buzzed.

1 unread message from mom

Again?! I completely forgot about mom! I look at the warehouse and decided to leave it and come back tomorrow. I swung back home but stopped in the alleyway beside our apartment. After I change I dash up the stairs not caring how tired I was. I bust down the door! "I'm home!"

"Oh, Izuku! I was so worried" My mom said as she hugged me tightly. "Sorry mom, I won't let this happen again. I promise ." I say to reassure her. "Mom I was wondering for this weekend if I can stay at a friend's house?" I question. " And Miss movie night?" She asked worryingly. "I know mom I will make it up to you when I'm back on Monday," I say with a warm smile. "Ok Izuku, have fun," she said. I grab a piece of a sandwich that I made that morning but forgot to pack. I walk out and call Ochako to if I can sleep over at her place for a night. 

Ring Ring Ring-

O: "Hello?"

I: "Hey Ochako can I sleepover one night?"

O: "Oh of course deku-kun! I have some exciting news to tell you too!"

I: "Ok I'll be over soon cya"

O: "okay see you soon!"

I walk into the bakery and lock the door behind, and made my way up to Ochako's room, I knock once and she opened it. "Hi, Deku-Kun! I see you used the spare key I gave you to the bakery!". "Yep I didn't want to bother you for leaving your room," I say with a nervous smile. "I have so much to tell you!". She said beaming. 'Yep, I know you do I sigh and set my stuff down.


So haha what do you think is in the warehouse? :) or what do you think that would've happened if he lifted the mask! 

I'm also back checking the last few chapters because I need to add and delete a few things so if you notice any different things added or if some things are missing it's because of that

I wanted the story to make more sense so please excuse that. Sorry if things seem rushed I'm just really excited for the next few chapters!

Words 1441

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