Chapter Eleven

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no title
Midoriya's POV
How could he say something like that!? This would have been a different scenario if he carried
out what he said. Plus I can't go to anyone about this, I want to go talk to All-Might but,
Kacchan somehow always knows what's going on around me, even in my own house. I can't
see him but he's somehow always here with me.

I look down at my body as I swung, did he do something to me back at the warehouse? I landed
when it was safe and ripped off my mask, "God I hate this, I need to go see All-Might, now." I was
about to turn around and head to All-Might's tower when I realized a tiny problem. I was
grounded, now what was I supposed to do?! Mom will get an email or a call saying I was absent
this entire day, and I'm supposed to go home immediately after school.

I sighed mentally, 'Frick, what do I do?' I place my hands on my hips and think. I then realize Mr.
Aizawa could give me the day off, but, I need to do something in return. He's always tired? Maybe I could give him an entire bag of coffee beans and perhaps even say that he could have one less kid to deal with?

sense it was still the morning, I open the door to my homeroom. I think I opened it a bit too suddenly because Mr. Aizawa jumped.

"Jeez, Midoriya what are you doing?! There's still 20 minutes before class starts." he was standing at a desk prepping some papers.

"Mr. Aizawa I have to ask something of you. It's a simple request and I need to do this!" I walk towards him with my hands clapped together.

"Well go on with it, say it. I have these papers to organize before class." he continues to prep the papers.

"Ok, well I was wondering if you could tell the school board that I was here and not absent, I have an important errand to run and it may take all morning. I will be here for the afternoon though!" I bow my head down to show my respect and that this was important.

"An errand huh? Well if it means I get something out of this then it's a yes for me. Also, I'm tired today because Mic was too needy and loud last night ." He said as he walks back to his pedestal. 'Excuse me, what?'

"Also why are you asking me? Just skip the class and come back whenever. I've seen other kids do it" Mr. Aizawa looks over to me with a shrug.

"That's the problem, I'm grounded. That's why I came to you with this deal, I'll bring you some coffee bags or whatever the hell you drink" I held out my hand for a handshake.

Mr. Aizawa grins and turns around to face me, "You sure know how to make one hell of a deal kid. I accept," He gave me a firm handshake and continued "You better have my coffee bags by 1:40, also nice gloves." And with that, he got into his sleeping bag wanting to get the sleep he never got.

'nice gloves?' I look down at my hands and saw how I still had MY FREAKING GLOVES ON! No point now in taking them off now I need them when I'm out of the building.

I smile proudly and ran out of the classroom. 'All-Might here I come!' I thought happily but was crushed when I reached the school gates to see the trio of Ochako, Ida, and Todoroki. I look at Todoroki for a few seconds. 'When did Todoroki get back?!' I wanted to go ask him questions but I couldn't be seen by Ochako, she wouldn't leave me alone for what happened at the café.

'Shoot not right now please' I turn around and run back into the building, soon hallways flooded with kids getting ready for classes. I had to make sure I did not run into anyone from class 1-A.

'what do I do now?!' I stop but realize that "The Rooftop!" That was sure to be vacant and available I sped around and ran to the staircase leading to the roof. 'There's absolutely no way anyone can see me' I aim my hand over the large metal fence. So with a simple press of a button and flick of the wrist, I was thrusted beyond the main gates and passed them. After running for a few moments I clung to a nearby building and made my way towards All-Might's Tower.

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