Chapter Ten

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Midoriya's POV

'This isn't good' Midoriya thought. As he was swinging it was night, approximately midnight. As the moon shined below I started to pull up to my street, I was shocked by what I saw.

The cops!?
I quickly swing down into any available alleyway and changed as fast as I could. Struggling, I pulled up my pants and zipped them up.
As I looked in front of the apartment building I saw my mom talking to a police officer.

"-Yes! He is a teenager with beautiful green fluffy hair!" Inko had tears in her eyes as she wiped them with a handkerchief. "He has a small button nose and perfect freckles oh- and-!"

"Mom?" I say speed walking towards her.

She looked stunned, her eyes flooded with tears and she ran towards me, I picked up speed and sprinted towards her.

"Oh, Izuku! -sniff- where we're you this whole time! I called the cops and reported you missing!" She said grabbing my face checking for injuries. I place my hand atop of hers.
"Mom I'm fine, there was a-" I stopped to think. I can't tell mom about my kidnapping.
"An accident, I lost my phone and was across town," I say calmly as I continue " I had no spare change to use a public telephone"

"Ok, but I'm sorry but you're grounded" I was surprised but before I could respond she turned to the officer.
"I'm so sorry about all this, you may go" she bowed her head towards him and grabbed my hand walking into the building.
"Sure thing ma'am, call if another incident occurs" and with that, he got into his car and drove off.

"Grounded? But why!?" I asked, I wanted to reason with her.

"Izuku, you keep disappearing and not replying to any of my calls or texts! As a mother, I'm worried that my baby is gone or worse!" She said sternly. I'm completely shocked

"Ok mom, I understand," I say quietly, I could tell she was dying inside for raising her voice at me. For her first time yelling at me, I could tell she wasn't used to it and was guilty.

We walked into the apartment quietly. I was about to enter my room when I got a hug from behind.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you Izuku, I'll make you some katsudon," she said in a calm and soothing voice. "Tomorrow you can go to school if you want to" she took a breath in and continued " I know something is bothering you izu, you can tell me. Of course, you don't have to if you are not comfortable." She unwrapped her arms around me and walked into the kitchen.

I know my punishment is a bit too much, maybe I'm just overreacting. I walked into my room and sat on my bed when I heard a small ding from my phone. lifting out of my bag, it read an unknown number. I assumed it was that guy, I had to answer for I knew the consequences for not responding. Now that I think about it, he didn't give me his name, or rather to call him as.

all the message said was "call". I unlocked my phone, opened our messages, and clicked on the small phone icon.

it rang a few times before they answered.

"Ok 'sir' what do you want," I say coldly.

"No need to be so cold, also what's with the whole 'sir' thing" he snickered at the end. did he enjoy being called "sir"?

"No, because you didn't tell me what to call you, I didn't even get your name," I say as I stood up and walked towards the window.

"If we're doing names, you don't need to know my name I like how you call me sir, anything like that you could call me. or you could call me master" that last part was mumbled and very faint.

"what?" I didn't hear what he said but now I got a weird feeling about these pet names.

"Never mind, anyway I came for my first order," he said in a devilish tone, I couldn't see him but I knew he had a smirk on his dumb face.

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