Chapter Five

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                                                  ⚠️Short chapter⚠️                        The Warehouse

Midoriya's POV

I woke up extra early that morning just to go and discover what the creature was doing in that abandoned warehouse. I knew this would be the last night here at Ochako's house, so before I left I gave her a note beside her bed thanking her for the sleepover.

That night we spent together she told me everything about the mall incident, about how she was captured and taken hostage along with the other girls, and how she was saved. While she talked I was frustrated about how I couldn't capture that guy. I shook it off and walked into a nearby coffee shop that was open 24/7. A little ring above my head was heard as I entered the shop, alerting the staff that a customer as entered. I sat down and waited for a waitress to come and take my order. I worked part-time as a waitress at a restaurant on the other side of town just so I can earn a few extra bucks for lunch and all, ya know? "Hello sir, may I take your order?" Said a woman with blonde hair pulled into two very messy buns. She looked tired and that she hated her job. "Uh, yeah can I get a medium coffee and your breakfast sandwich?" I asked with a nervous chuckle. "Right away sir," she said with a fake smile. 'She's creepy' i thought as I looked out the window. 

'Oh, right the Warehouse!' I waited patiently for my meal to come before I left. "Here you go sir" she placed my food and drink, and with a huff, she walked away. I began to eat as I remembered where that abandoned warehouse was located. After I ate my sandwich I left the bill and a tip on the table and left. I walked down the streets of the town to where I knew the Warehouse was located. I decided to look up what that place used to be before it was abandoned. With my eye glued to my phone, I had bumped into someone! My coffee spilled all over them! "What the fuck!" Said a boy with blonde spiky hair, and crimson eyes. "I'm so so sorry please forgive me this was all my fault!" I said bowing repeatedly. "Watch where you're going dip shit!" He growled and with that, he stormed off. He looked very familiar, but where did I see him?

I arrived at the Warehouse and was a little hesitant to enter. 'What if he's here? I have nothing to protect myself!' Questions filled my head as I placed a hand on the handle of the sliding doors ready to open it. Slowly I peeked my head inside to try and see if anyone or anything was here. "h-hello?" I squeaked. I slowly entered and closed the door behind me. I placed one of my gloves on my hand ready to swing out if anything happened, of course, I did not have my mask on. As I walked around this place seemed abandoned outside and inside, that was until I noticed a light coming from a room in the corner of the room. I slowly walked up and a bulletin board came into my view, and what I saw shook me to the core. There were photos of me everywhere! Not me technically but Spider-Man! This creature seemed to have a keen interest in Spider-Man. Was it because he was a hero? I saw photos of the places he robbed and how he planned it all! 'Just like how he told me I thought 


 "Why are you doing all this?!" I asked hoping a bystander would call the police. "I'm the villain of course! Also how else was I supposed to get your attention." 

'Ok, so he wanted my attention. But why?' I decided to take a picture of the bulletin board and save that to my photos. And with that, I ran out of the warehouse happy with the evidence that would help me catch him. I looked at the daily news website on my phone to see if needed to do a patrol today, turns out some bystander instead of calling the police to back me up took a video and posted it to social media. 'Of course, it went viral. Why the heck not' I sigh not knowing what to do for the rest of the week and decide to go home and tell my mom we had to cut our "sleepover" short because of family issues. I thought that was a good enough excuse. With that, I walked home to spend some time with my mom.


Yes, I mentioned two characters from the show! One is a main that is VERY obvious and the other who is an extra I wanted to add, care to guess who she was?


Words 817

🕷A Spiders Web 🕷(Spider-Man AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant