Chapter Seven

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                                                                     Lovely to see you again 

Midoriya's POV:

"Ok Deku, I'll see you tomorrow! Sorry, I can't stay a little longer, my mom said she needed help with something. I'm pretty sure it was something to do with my parent's construction company!" 

"Oh yeah! I completely understand I'll text you when I get home I guess" I say as I watched Ochako leave through the school's gates.

'Ok, the sudden urge from this morning still didn't go away. I'm not sure what I should do, something is telling me not to do a patrol today' everything has become so complicated lately! I'm not sure if I can even beat this guy. Maybe AllMight found a way? I should swing by his office tower later today.

'You know what, I'm going to do this patrol! Who cares what a stupid urge has to say! I will do this patrol. What could go wrong?'  I say with my hands in a fist and I'm filled with determination! 

'Should I even do my routine today?' I wonder to myself as I enter the alleyway I use to change. 'This feels like a never-ending loop' I place and adjust my gloves ready to do a patrol.

'Ok deep breath, here we go' with a single thrust of my wrist, boom. I was out and into the city swinging like a mad man. Normally I would help the police force with bank robberies and little things like that, but I have never encountered an actual villain. For some reason, I feel like I'm an actual hero. I know it's my job, but I never really felt like a real hero until now.

"Mommy! Look it's that man from tv!" A small child pointed at me.

I was currently swinging and gave a small wave and landed on a nearby building.

"Oh honey, he has a name you know. It's Spider-Man!" His mother smiled at me and massively wave towards me.

And soon enough civilians around the area started to take notice of my presence. They all were very nice, I couldn't get off track so I waved goodbye and swung off. The people of this city seem to spread the word of rumors quickly because from my first-ever save my name spread across this city like wildfire! People knew my name and some even started theories about my identity, it didn't help that some people even tried to follow me where I change into a hero and civilian.

I remember my first ever appearance in this city, some people of this city even tried to start a riot. They said that I should leave all the crime-fighting to the police, but I mean come on. Some of these criminals were serious about their motives, I remember the one criminal that was a true danger to this city, he was a man named Shigaraki.

He had an entire organization planning to take over this city or destroy it. No one knows what his true plans were but that was one of the rumors. Shigaraki was a cruel man, killing innocent people or even targeting certain civilians. He started to make a name for himself, he hacked most of the city's billboards screens and played his message.

He made it clear he was a threat to society. Shigaraki made an entire league of criminals, once he knew that there was a hero in town he said that heroes were the true menace to society. Of course, he was the main villain towards AllMight, this city's former protector. AllMight never wanted to talk about him.

I knew it was too much to recall him back to AllMight. So I leave that entire thing alone. Some say that Shigaraki went back into hiding and is rebuilding his league.

But those are rumors! He abruptly stopped attacking the city when AllMight retired, some say that's odd because they assumed he would attack when the city is vulnerable. I guess not!

🕷A Spiders Web 🕷(Spider-Man AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang