Chapter Eight

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Quick AN before we start: ok ok for chapter 7 I realized that I did have that chapter in my head and didn't bother looking at the notes I had for that chapter even though I didn't look at IT! Now I wish I did because that little interaction between midoriya and bakugou wasn't supposed to happen because it was supposed to last a little longer than it being so sudden. I apologize after I have fixed and added that this AN will be deleted. Good day.

Bakugou's POV

 The day of the mall incident 

I don't know why the mall always has to be so fucking packed all the time, no events are happening right now! Christmas is a century away, valentines passed, I don't even wanna know what's next. It's just a waste of time and money for brats who probably don't even deserve it.

I never honestly liked kids, but there was something about them I don't understand. A childhood. I never experienced one, or at least that's from what I remember. A childhood is something that is the highlight of life, but also something I never experienced. 

I never cared about that, after I escaped that stupid facility, I wanted to know what I was before this. Or who I was. I've heard parents and things like that, it's all bullshit. I mean now that I'm free, did I have parents? A family? I'm not sure anymore.

After all these stupid robberies I'm sure I'll be caught, but I did this for one reason. For once in my life, I was intrigued by something, or someone I should say. I felt like they were from the same facility I escaped from, I only thought that because of how unnatural they are compared to a normal human. Instead of killing everything in sight, they save people.

Now that was completely different from what I was taught at the facility. No matter how fucking annoyed I was at the faculty members, I was always forced to do these stupid experiments. All to benefit their needs, they said I was the first, most perfect experiment that lived during the "first" phase. After that I was stuck with this weirdo, he won't fucking leave me alone.

Always demanding food, to be more specific. Flesh. I guess that's just how he was designed, due to him having many hosts they all died. He ate the insides of all of them, I'm not sure how I endured it all but I guess I did. The experiments involved me and this thing that is currently living inside me, we were forced to endure all sorts of things. Bullets, strong forces, explosives, sorts of things like that.


'This is all boring, screw it. I'm starting this chaos run' I stood up from the bench I was sitting at and was walking to a nearby clothes store.

'Are you sure you want to start so soon?'

'You have no authority, you remember that deal we made' I growl and walked into a fitting room.

'Yes of course, but I must say you seem to be rushing things'

"Ok just shut the fuck up!" I yell, but covered, my mouth as I remember that I'm in a public place!

'Fucking bastard, let's just get this over with. I hope they're here this time I go to a somewhat unconscious state but I'm still conscious if that makes sense. And just like that, a black inky layer tops over my body, slowly spreading from the center of my body to the rest. I like to think of it as a protective layer of skin, but it's an entirely different entity. 

I'm no longer in control, but everything is still visible to me. It's like looking through a different pair of eyes. 

I blink for a second and a huge explosion goes off. 'What the hell did you do?!'

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