Chapter 10

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Kate rolled out of Junnie's bed realizing she was alone in the suite. His bed? When did we get here? She had laid there in the stillness thinking on a lot that has happened. How evolved she's become and how much time she's invested with Gyu's friends. Her heart swelled at the mere thought of her best friend, and a smile turned up her sleepy face. Cookie. She remembered him telling her he was having a photoshoot in the lobby for their "Still Dreaming" Moodboard. Hmmm, whatever that was. But where was everyone else? Kate threw back the covers and hurriedly dressed and made her way to the lobby. She didn't want to distract Gyu, but she wanted to watch. He was photogenic anyway so this should be a piece of cake. As she descended the stairs, she heard the sounds of cameras clicking. She hadn't missed it. Her eyes saw him. There in the lobby. Sitting in the overstuffed chair by the fireplace. Looking all soft. Sweet. Dreamy. Her heart bottomed out when he caught her eye. The way he looked at her and held her gaze. It was unlike any feeling she'd felt since being here. She stood there along with the crowd, watching his every move. She felt out of her realm. This was Cookie's life. Music. Cameras. Photoshoots. Tours. She was just someone he'd only come home to, a visit in between breaks. He looked so dream worthy in the rust colored corduroys and cream sweater jacket. The colors in it blended so well with the pants. And he had on no shoes. Only socks. As if he were at home waiting on his love to walk in. It was like she had tripped into a fantasy of his. She gulped. Cookie, please stop looking at me like that. There was something expressive in his eyes. Filled with so much love. It was like he was secretly communicating with her. He was such a natural. The way he posed. Turning his head just so, so they could capture his best angle in the most perfect light. He was everything perfect. A girl stepped up to her saying, "I couldn't help but to notice how fascinated you are with him. Boyfriend?" Kate peeled her eyes from her best friend, noticing the girl's smile. She hesitated, "Huh? Wh...what?" Then it registered what she had asked, "Boyfriend?" She semi-laughed, "No." The girl crossed her arms over her chest, "He is quite a sight to see. Do you know him?" Kate didn't know if she should admit it or not, so she denied it. She didn't want anyone going through her to get to her best friend. He was hers. Mine? Where had that thought come from? "No. Just an admirer?" She nodded, not believing her, " admirer has that kind of look in their eyes. You're in love with him." Kate gazed at her confused as she walked away. I need a coffee. She headed for the coffee shop. This is getting too much. She hadn't gotten too far when she felt a hand grab her shoulder. It was Gyu. He smiled, "Hey, Kitty Kate. So what did you think? I saw you watching." She turned from her position in line, "Cookie, you can't be doing that...looking at me with eyes like that. It just does something to me." She moved forward with the line. There went that look again. Damn! Why does he keep doing that? "Kate, you still didn't answer my question?" She sighed, her eyes lowering to her feet, "You're good, Cookie. You're better than good. You're great. They're going to be great." He placed his index finger under her chin and lifted it, "Kate, talk to me. Something's wrong? I can sense it. I can feel it." She shook her head, "It's nothing. But how do you do that? How do you always know?" He pouted, "Kitty Kate, because I know you. Even back there I could see it in your eyes. Get your coffee. Meet me over there. And talk to me. Please." She nodded. Oh geez...what am I going to tell him? And how? She ordered herself an iced caramel macchiato, and joined Beomgyu at a small table across from the coffee stand. He folded his hands on the table, "You have my full attention. Let's hear it, Kate." The horrific memory of last night came crashing to the forefront of her mind. She shivered and squeezed her eyes shut, "Cookie, I told Junnie not to leave me. Y'all shouldn't have left me." He remembered it was just her and Soobin for the longest time alone in the suite. He cringed, "Kate, what happened? What did he do? Did he touch you?" A lonely tear slid from the left corner of her eye, "Cookie, it hurts to talk about it. I just want to forget it." He gritted his teeth, "What did he do? Have you told Junnie? I'll kill him if he laid a hand on you. You know Junnie won't stand to let him get away with it. Tell me, Kate." She choked on the tears rising up in her throat, "He...he...he spanked me." Beomgyu fell back in the chair as if the wind had been knocked out of him, "He did what? Spanked you? Elaborate on spank?" She cried in a whisper, "Like BDSM...Whips, ties, handcuffs, sashes." He gulped, feeling his throat closing up, "Dear God. Kitty Kate, I'm so sorry. Why? Why would he do that? I never knew he was into that kind of stuff. No wonder you're acting like a frightened kitten. Do you want me to take you home? If you leave now, and no longer feel safe around us, I understand. Junnie would understand." She wiped away the falling tears and sniffed, "No. I don't want to go. It's just with this and with Junnie's modeling career coming up, it's too much for me." He scooted his chair over closer to her and opened his arms, "Come here. You could use a hug." Without any second thoughts, she fell into his arms, as the words Junnie spoke to her about chasing after Gyu ripped her heart into pieces. No matter how much she loved Junnie. This guy right here was a huge piece of her life, and there was no way she would ever push him aside. He was too important. He was her best friend. Her Cookie. He got her. He understood her when no one else did. He was her...soulmate. He wrapped her tightly in his arms, consoling her as she sobbed on his shoulder. He replied in a comforting way, "Kitty Kate, we'll get through this. We'll find a way. Just let it all out. I'm here. I'll always be here. Just tell me what to do. I really hate Soobin did this to you. You didn't deserve that. Shh now. Junnie would hit the roof. I'll take you home. We can go upstairs now. Pack you up. I'll drive you. Or call you a cab. Oh, Kitty Kate." He held her tighter. She pulled back slightly, noticing his saturated shoulder, "Oh, Cookie, look what I've done to you." Was she not hearing me? I want her safe. I don't care about darn, mascara stained shirt. Only her. And her well-being. I'm not exactly sure what's come over Soobin, but I can't have him messing with her too. It's still a jagged little to swallow that her and Junnie are so infatuated with one another. He traced a finger over the outline of her jaw, "You're doing that thing you do. Let me take you away from here. Somewhere safe where Soobin can't touch you." As if nothing happened she smiled at Beomgyu, "Cookie, I'll be fine." Her eyes danced under the fluorescent lights. The pad of his thumb lightly moved across her supple bottom lip. He remembered the zing he felt yesterday when her lips barely touched his. He could still feel the shockwaves. There was something there. Something beautiful. In her simple little kiss. He swooned, a small smile on his face, as he found himself getting lost in her eyes. "Kitty Kate. My sweet Kate." She recognized that look and timidly bit on her lower lip, "Cookie." That look warmed her from the inside out. It was a look he used just not on her but for the camera. Sometimes she wondered if that look was just part of his role. But he was giving her that look long before TXT came into play. She felt herself being drawn in and leaned into him. "Kiss me," she whispered, close to his mouth. He only stared into her eyes, falling deeper. Damn she smelled freaking edible. As much as he wanted to, he blinked and shook his head. Oh how he wanted to! "Kate," his voice cracked, "Why do you ask me that?" She sat back in her chair, reaching for her coffee, "Because you always ask me how I feel about you. You tell me how you feel, but if you've just break down and kiss me, you might just find out what you've always wanted to know." He cleared his throat, "Kate, it's more than just a kiss. If and when I kiss you, I want to be the one you're thinking of. I just don't want to see it. I want to be able to feel it. I don't want anything or anyone in between us. I've kissed you a thousand in my mind. With every lip bite, every stare. Right now you know..." She frowned while sipping on her drink, "Then stop flirting with me." A huge smile played across his face, "It's a little too late for that. I'm completely in love with you. I can't help myself. I want to touch you. Hold your hand. Kiss your fingers. Caress your face. But that lip that you incessantly continue to bite. Whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Satisfy that insatiable appetite of yours. Cuddle with you without feeling guilty. Love you with all that I am. But you know I can't do that so I have to do it all from afar. Just sitting this close to you is driving me crazy. Every time I touch you I just want to pull you in and never let go." Butterflies fluttered in her chest. She just wanted to grab him, kiss him hard, and wake him up. She exhaled, "Cookie, stop dreaming and...You've always looked at me. Dreamed of me. Fantasized about me. You smile at me. Your lips slightly part when I walk in the room. Your eyes talk to me. For once, just make a freaking move. If I excite the hell out of you like you do me, then we're in this together!" She rose to her feet, grabbed her drink. She turned her back to him, her chest heaving. He drives me to brink the of losing control! Gyu was finding it very hard to breathe. His lips parted just enough to get enough air. She just admitted what he longed to hear. Get up you fool. What are you waiting for? She glanced back at him over her shoulder. Him and that stupid look. She shook her head, walking away. He let out a ragged breath.

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