Chapter 19

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Junnie sat there in awe watching Kate's performance. It was only into the first song and she had him sucked in. Jaws were dropped. Just like it had been at the lodge. She was a natural. Finally their drinks arrived. But not as expected. The waitress delivering their drinks tripped over Junnie's foot. The tray went flying up in the air. Glasses shattered. Drinks splattered. Beer bottles rolled. One rolled straight to Kate's foot. The waitress landed hands and knees on the floor. Embarrassed. Clearly she would be fired for this. She raised sad brown eyes up at Kate who had trained her and mouth how sorry she was. She had wanted her first night to be perfect. And on top of that it was in front TXT. Double whammy. Kate immediately stopped her performance and rushed to Ava's aide. She popped Junnie on the arm, shaking him out of his trance, telling him to move his big foot. She knelt in front of the raven haired girl asking if she was ok. Ava  cried in utter shame. Soobin recognized the girl and jumped to his feet. He asked harshly, "What are you  doing working in a place like this?" Ava  looked to Soobin. You gotta love family. Distant cousins. But still family. She didn't say anything. It was in that moment Junnie saw her and he held out a hand to her. Ava  nervously accepted it, slipping her hand into his. He helped her to her feet. Sheesh. It was soft. Just as she always imagined. Man, he was beautiful. Kate had said he was up close. She wasn't wrong. Ava  never swooned, but she felt herself  growing very swimme- headed gazing at him. Junnie did his famous tongue in the corner of his mouth gesture, "I'm Yeonjun. You can call me Junnie." She was rendered speechless, still holding onto his hand. Soobin roared a curse and rolled his eyes. Not happening. Not with his family. He wasn't having it. Kate reassured Ava that it was fine. She had dropped a tray on her first night as well. She was safe. Junnie smiled as well and let her know that his family owns the place. He would make sure her job was secure and that she was in good hands. He winked at Kate. Ava felt a bit awkward. What was Kate to him?

My girl truly was amazing. She still looked flushed from our passionate make out session, and I was clearly aroused. I was surprised no one could read between the lines. I couldn't tear my eyes away, and Kai was enjoying himself as well. He always did when it came to hearing Kate sing. I was sidetracked by the loud crash and shattering glass. I glanced in Junnie's direction to find the waitress on her hands and knees. Ouch! I hissed as all eyes averted to her. All but Junnie's. The singing stoped. The music ended and Kate popped Junnie. I saw Junnie help the girl up. Sweet. Turn your attention on someone else please. You've had your turn with mine. He introduced himself to her. Great. Another fan.
Then I heard Soobin snap. Who was she to him? The
raven haired girl acknowledged Soobin, but she was
clearly gushing for Junnie. Especially when Junnie told her not too worry about her job. Then what was that? He winked at Kate. I cringed, her apartment key
burning a hole in my front jean pocket. He was doing it
again. Was he not aware that he's flirting? Playing his
games after just asking me for forgiveness. WTF! This
girl is literally melting into a puddle at his feet and he's
making passes at Kate. This will literally never end. I
can't breathe. How can Junnie go from I'm sorry to
back to repeating his same old steps. I had to put an
end to it. This had to end tonight.

I moved my hand to this girl's  lower back said to Kate "I've got this, love. You can to go back to your  performance." I felt Ava  stiffen under my fingertips. What had he meant by that? Kate smiled at her, reassuring her, "You're in good hands." Soobin abruptly came to his cousin stating, "The hell she's not!! There was no way he was going to allow his
family to get messed up with Yeonjun Choi." He pulled
Ava away from me and asked her harshly, "Why are you  here? Why Daegu?" Ava shook in her skin and "Steve," fell from her trembling lips. Soobin was always protective of her. She was practically like his little sister than a cousin. He snapped a finger at her and told her not to call him that again. He repeated his
question. She answered softly, "For the academy." Soobin rolled his eyes, "Why...there are plenty of
other places you could attend." Her eyes narrowed at
him and she snapped, "No it wasn't because you
went here." She was a long way away from home. He
had a reason for coming here, but what was hers? He
would find out. I playfully hit Taehyun upside the back of his head grabbing my blond haired friends attention. Taehyun's  jaw twitched. He asked, "Whst do you want?" I motioned in
Soobin's direction asking, "Who is he talking to?" Taehyun gulped, cursed under his breath and said out loud, "What is she doing here?" He said "Ava." I smiled knowing that she looked very sinful and those words slipped from my lips. He let me know she was
Soobin's cousin. My eyes lingered on her a little too
long. Nice. The bartender called out to her to come get
the tray of drinks on the house for table 7. Ava
panicked. That's TXT's table.

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