Chapter 33

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I walked into the ICU room at the hospital. I had no idea what I was walking into when I got the call from Ava. I was told it was Kate. As I approached the doorway, I felt my lean legs give way. She was laying helplessly in the bed, hooked up to all these machines. IV drip. Several bags of fluid was being administered into her body. Heart monitor. Blood pressure. WTF! I'd only been gone a day. Ava was sitting in a corner chair, distraught. She looked like a mess. White as a ghost. Bloodshot eyes. Wrinkled clothes. Messy ponytail. She jumped out of the chair at the sight of me, ran to me, throwing her arms around me. She cried into my white muscle shirt, "Junnie." I acknowledged her, but my eyes were merely on the lifeless form laving in the bed. Gyu would die! I pulled Ava back by the upper part of her arms, "What the hell happened? I want answers Ava."  She shrugged, her heart dropping. The tears in his eyes were for Kate. She shook her head, "I shouldn't have let her walk home alone. I should have stopped him." I pushed her aside and made my way to the bed. Kate was out cold. Pumped up on pain meds. I asked angrily, "How long has she been out?" Ava embraced herself from the chill that rushed through her. Since she came out of surgery. Maybe 2-3 hours. I grasped the bed rail and roared, "What?! Surgery?! Ava, you better start talking? Why the fuck did you call me? Why not Gyu?"Tears flooded down her face, "Because I had
to know. I had to know if my gut instinct was true. You
do still love her. And besides, you're the only one I
could reach after I called 911." I turned my back
to Kate, raking a hand through my hair. I did still love
Kate. There was no denying it. I glared at her, "Who did this to her? Damn it, Ava! Don't hold back on me nowDamn my feelings for her! If you know something, tell me! Spill it now!! Or we are done!" Ava crumpled into the chair. Could she really tell Junnie that her cousin was behind all this? He had already threatened her. And now she felt like all this was her fault. Junnie was threatening to leave her. To give up on them if she
didn't tell him. Do you choose family or the love of your life's side when it comes to something like this? She dropped her face into the palms of her hands, "Junnie, I can't. It's all my fault. Please don't hate me for this."  His eyes narrowed in confusion and hurt, "What do you mean this is all your fault?" he grounded out, "What the hell is wrong with you? What kind of friend are you to allow this to happen?! Ava, I'm losing my patience here! Spill the shit now! Fuck! We were in the middle of our Freeze concept trailer when I got the call. You crying over this! Bawling your eyes out! I see her! Start explaining!" I banged a fist against the wall, "Give me answers, damn it!" It frightened Ava to see Junnie like this. This was not the man she read about it. Not the man who left her yesterday. Not the man who made love to her. He was angry. Mad. Hurt. She jumped in her skin, "Junnie, I'm sorry. She didn't come into work today. I was worried. I went to check on her. Her apartment door was unlocked. I knocked. Called to her. I walked in dreading what laid ahead. I saw red Junnie. It was all on the floor. Kate was lying in her own blood......or I thought it was. I panicked. I called 911. 1 called you. Junnie, it was horrible. Gyu's gonna be so mad. All I could think was poor Gyu. Poor Kate. She didn't deserve this. Not by him."  I didn't want to hear anymore. I couldn't bare the thought I was thinking. What Kate must have experienced. What sick fool could think to hurt Just Kate. Especially like this. Ava continued to talk, "Junnie, she lost the baby." I couldn't stand the sight of her anymore right now. I
roared for her to leave. To get out. To leave us. It's
because of Ava's carelessness, her knowing beforehand, that Kate is in this state. Ava stormed out
and I shouted at the closing door for her stay clear of
us for awhile. I just wanted some alone time with
Kate...before I made the call to Gyu. I needed time to
think. To process the whole ordeal. Maybe if and when
Kate wakes up she'll tell me who did this to her. Right
now I just wanted to sit in the chair next to the bed and cry. My poor Just Kate. And I did just that. I sat there with my head leaning against the bed rail. The beep of the heart monitor. The click of the pain medicine dispenser. The sounds filled the silent room. I just didn't know what I was going to tell Gyu. This was going to kill him. It was hard enough for him to leave her, and now I had to be the friend and step up and inform him that Kate was in the hospital. He's going to regret leaving her. My heart just couldn't take it. My fingers lightly grazed hers off the side of the bed. I heard her stir. I lifted my head and said her name

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