Chapter 61

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I came down the backstairs in search of Soobin, and to my surprise I saw my Kitty Kate sitting on the kitchen counter with a bruised lip. Wtf?! Why is it every time I'm not around she's getting hurt? I heard voices outside and I glanced out the sliding back door to see Soobin and Junnie wrapped up in a heated discussion. And I didn't need to ask over who. Kate's eyes were lowered. She's was either looking at the floor or studying the rip in her jeans. She's was anywhere but here. I had all intentions on talking with Soobin, but when I saw my girl I pushed that idea aside. I slowly approached my fiancée, "Kate." She didn't bother to look up. Not good. I uncrossed her ankles, and moved in between her legs. As I did so I watched as a tear dropped on to the material of her jeans. My heart ached. I always hated to see her cry. And that's all that we've both have done. We've suffered and shedded enough tears to create our own little ocean. I pouted taking her face into my hands, and lifting her eyes so that'd meet mine, "Baby?" I touched the cut on her lip with the pad of my thumb, and cursed under my breath. Was she still upset over the events that happened earlier today? Was the effects still wrecking her body? Her eyes melded into mine, "Cookie." Her voice trembled. I asked very concerned, "What happened?" She shook her head, pressing her lips together, "I was sitting outside. Minding my own business. And...Cookie, I have to go. I can't stay here. I just can't." My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I searched her face for some sort of meaning to her leaving, "Kitty Kate, go where? Baby, tell me you're not seriously leaving me because of that monster." Her eyes lowered between us, "Cookie, it's not just him. I have the record label. I have to get started. If I prolong it, I may lose it. This is my chance, my break into the music world." Oh god! She was putting her career before me...just like I'd done her when I joined TXT. Now I know how she felt when I left her. Even though she supported me, it tore her up inside. I denied, "No. Kate, look at me. Please don't cry. Baby, look at me." Once her eyes met mine again, I stroked her cheekbones, "We'll get a plan together. Just don't leave me. I know it's tough here, but I promise I'll try and keep you safe, away from the meat hooks of that heathen. Just stay with me. You can record here. Can't your manager make a deal of some sort with a recording studio here? I've seen it happen. Talk to him. Do you really have to go across the ocean, to the other side of the world, days apart from me?" She whispered as a crocodile tear slid down her lightly made up face, "I'm sorry, Cookie. But I have to go." Suddenly I felt my whole world crumble under my feet.  My Kitty Kate was already gone. My head lowered and I gazed up at her through my eyelashes. She's not even considering my option. We were in this together and she's seeking a way out. And she's using her record label to put distance between us. I have to stop her. I need her here. We still have our relationship to sort through, to patch up, and make final. If she goes running off to the states, I just may lose her for good. She might find someone new. And I don't want to risk that. She's my everything. Then I find myself repeating the poem I wrote for her in my head "You're my love. My life. The air i breathe. You're soul. My happiness. And all that I need. You're my light light. My dark. The stars in the sky. You're my ups. My downs. And the reasons I try. You're my strength. My weakness. The love from the start. You're my heartache. My pain. The best of my heart. You're my tears. My joy. In the love that you bring. You're my world. My galaxy. My everything." I promptly rested my forehead to hers, repeating the poem to her. Tears formed in both our eyes. I was laying my heart on the line, ripping it out of my chest. She'd heard it all before, but I felt like I needed to tell her again. Anything to keep her from walking away. Then I kissed her, sealing my fate, my words, tasting the sweetness of her lips. Kate locked her legs around me, pulling me in closer to her. Our mouths parted in reckless abandonment. My arms slipped around her, and my fingers delved into her mass of wavy ringlets. I was thoroughly enjoying the thrill she was giving me, but I needed something more I needed to know she was here to stay. I drew back, hissing, as I bit my bottom lip, "Kate," I drew out her name, "Stay with me." I'm weak. This much I know. I depend on her. Sometimes maybe too much. She's so much a part of me. And I don't want to let her go...not even for a split second.

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