Chapter 12

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A few days later there was a Christmas party happening at the sports bar within the lodge. It had been a long day, and the guys had been wrapped up doing their thing filming a Christmas episode, leaving Kate to wonder around. So while they filmed, she worked on her music with her brother and their band. She had been performing every night since that first night. Kate was all decked out in her Santa dress attire, looking all cute in the mini dress and black knee high heeled boots. Gyu couldn't keep his eyes off of her. He was finding it very hard these days, and she was making it hard just by being around. He studied the way the dress hugged her curves, and the little dip to reveal the peek a boo valley of her breasts. His eyes shimmied down to where the skirt hit against her tanned things. She was definitely a Santa Baby. He stood at the bar and ordered himself a beer and Kate a glass of her favorite wine, sweet red. She stood in the doorway wrapped up in a conversation with Kai. Kai was smiling at her and taking her all in. Where was Junnie? He glanced around the place. Out of sight, out of mind. Wow! For once he wasn't stuck to her like glue. Gyu approached his two friends and handed Kate the glass, "For you." She smiled at him warmly, accepting the drink, "Look at you. I always did love you in red." She was flirting with him. He was nervous, yet he was loving every minute of it. Damn how her eyes sparkled! Don't get sucked in! Kai just happened to glance up and saw the mistletoe. He got an idea and his eyes light up as bright as a Christmas tree. Now was Gyu's chance. Don't screw this up! But neither one payed any attention. They were too busy smiling at one another, taking sips of their drinks in between broken words. Kai couldn't believe this. He tapped Gyu's shoulder, and Gyu peered at him. He pointed up, "Mistletoe, dude." Kate and Gyu both looked upward. Sure enough it was there, hanging right above them. Just as Kate and Gyu looked back at each other, Kai stated, "You know what that means." Gyu cleared his throat unsure of kissing his best friend. She wasn't his to kiss. What if she didn't want him to kiss her? That was a stupid thing to think. She's been after him to kiss her since this vacation started. Kai playfully shoved his friend forward, "Just kiss her already." Kate grabbed the front of Gyu's red and black sweater, stopping him before he collided into her. Her wine splashing onto the floor. He stared into her eyes and then down at her glossy lips. Without another second thought, he kissed her. Sealed his love for her. She was taken by surprise, and closed her eyes, swooning. Finally. As her lips moved with his, it was unlike anything she'd ever seen and felt. Heat. Fireworks. Gyu felt it too. He'd been right all along. She was the one. Junnie entered in from another entrance, looking around the room. She had told him earlier that Kai and her were heading down and he could meet them there once he finished up his phone call with the modeling agency in New York. He spotted her lip locked with Beomgyu. He saw the mistletoe. Gyu. Kate. Sun wine in Kate's grip. Beer in Gyu's . His Kate had a grip on Gyu like she had pulled him to her. Kissing. Oh hell the fuck no! He stomped over to them, fuming, and pulled Beomgyu back from his girl. Kai stepped aside. Aw hell! Here we go! Kate cried out when she realized her boyfriend's intentions, fist formed, "Junnie, no." But her words meant nothing. Junnie turned Gyu around to face him and struck a blow against his jaw, sending him falling to the floor. Beer splattering. Glass shattering. Blood already forming form the corner of his mouth. He roared, aiming a finger at his friend, "Stay away from her!" Kate cried out, "Junnie, how could you?" He whipped around and grabbed her by the elbow, "Let's go." As they walked away, Kai knelt down to the side of his best friend apologizing, "Dude, I am so sorry. That was my fault." Gyu touched his bloody lip and winced then smirked, "Who would have thought me kissing Kate would have me landing on my ass?" Kai chuckled. They both did. Gyu pressed his lips together. Still tasting the sweetness from her lip gloss. It was too good to be true. What had he waited for! It was well worth the wait. He was enchanted as he watched the sway of Kate's hips as Junnie tugged her away. He knew this was the beginning of everything.

Later that night Gyu was sitting in the dark in the kitchenette holding a bag of ice against his swollen jaw. He heard someone coming down the stairs. The steps were too light to be one of the guys, and then a figure approached the doorway. It was Kate, dressed in flared lounge pants and a Sherpa teddy bear hoodie. Adorable. She flicked on the light, and was startled when Gyu announced with a whence, "Turn it off." She flicked it off then back on, "Cookie? I didn't think anyone was up." She walked over to the small refrigerator retrieving a bottle of water. She filled the chair to the left of him. He was still dressed in this evening's attire. She sat the water bottle down, and reached out to him, "I'm so sorry, Cookie. Let me see." He half smiled at her, "Kate, I'm fine. No worries. It was worth it." She curled her fingers around his wrist, "Please, Cookie." He slowly lowered the bag of ice and she gasped at the bruise and crusted blood, "Oh, Cookie." The tip of her thumb brushed over it, and he hissed slightly to the sting. She observed it, leaning in close, "You're adorable face. How could he? It was only..." Her eyes locked with his. There it was. Those fireworks. He whispered, "You felt it too, didn't you?" The tip of his tongue peeked out, moistening his suddenly dry lips. She swallowed hard. His kiss had been something she'd always imagined, but never thought it would flip her world upside down. She was so close to him. Inches from his lips. She smelled of sweet vanilla. Enticing. Yummy. Kissing her was all he had imagined. It had been sweet and good. Numbing. She slowly nodded, "I did." He swooned, feeling her caress his jaw, her eyes never leaving his, "Then why did you hold out on me? We could have solved all this years ago." She found herself pecking his lips, "I was stupid. Scared of everything I am feeling at this very moment. I wanted you to make the move." She was kissing him. As much as he wanted to return the favor, he couldn't risk another blow to the face. He touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers, "Kate," kiss. He found himself kissing her back. His resistance was gone. So sweet. Her lips kissed his bruised jaw and he winced. He moaned, "Kate, as much as I'm enjoying this...I think we need to....If we don't I may...take you right here." Her eyes enlarged and she withdrew, "Cookie, you wouldn't?" He smirked playfully, "Kate, I'm straining as it is." Her eyes immediately dropped to his lap, staring at the fly of his star printed pants. He curled a finger under her chin lifting her eyes to his, "Don't stare at it. It makes it worse. You excite me, Kate. You always have. It's just kissing you tonight awakened all my senses. It's taking all I can not to ravish you." When she slid out of her seat, he sat back in his. She straddled his lap. He swallowed hard, "Kate, what are you doing?" She answered honestly, "Something I should have done a lifetime ago." She bit down on her lower lip and sifted her fingers into his hair. He sank down into the chair and moaned, "Hmm, Kate," looking at her face. Can she feel me? Is she seeing me? She whispered close to his slightly parted lips, "It's you. It's always been you." He curled his fingers around her hips, dragging her back and forth over his aching groin as their lips parted, tasting and kissing her intimately. Could they slip back upstairs without anyone seeing them? Gyu's thoughts were all over the place, his hormones screaming. Tonight, they would do more than cuddling. Tonight, would be a night they would both remember. Tonight they were making magic happen. Tonight, they would be more than best friends. They stumbled up the stairs to his bedroom. In the dark they fumbled with clothes, kissing as each piece fell to the floor. They laughed, happy this was finally happening. Gyu laid a finger against his lips, "Shh." They surely didn't want to wake anyone. This was their time together. No interruptions. Hands were all over each other as they explored every curve that defined their bodies. Playfully Gyu picked her up and tossed her on the bed like many times before. Only this time they were playing for keeps. He hovered above her, kissing her lips, her jaw, down the side of her neck. What had kept him for holding out for long he'd never know. She felt so good like this. Naked and warm. Her vanilla scent filled the room. She arched her back to him. Have mercy! Her head tilted back as she bit on her lower lip. Her legs twisted and wrapped around him. Kate was wet and turned on, waiting anxiously for him to claim her. Gyu was new to this, and wanted to make an adventure of it. The body he'd admired for so long was finally here under his fingers. And she felt so silky. So smooth. So his. His mouth moved over her ear, "Kitty Kate," he replied huskily, "I'm scared." She slipped her arms under his, holding him, "It's ok. I've got you, Cookie." She felt the very tip of him near her heat. He trembled slightly, and tears slid from the corners of her eyes as he took her, easy at first, then all at once. Dear god! Perfect. The perfect fit. Her fingers squeezed, then her nails raked down his back as they found their rhythm. He groaned at the mere sensation that shot through him. In and out. Sweat. Heat. Everything was building. Suddenly they erupted, flying high. Heavy breathing. Clinging to each other. Kate felt the crook of her neck was damp. Oh my gosh, Cookie was crying or had been crying. She remembered her first time, but it never came close to this. She pulled him back, taking her face into his hands. Sure enough his cheeks her soggy. Her green eyes searched his in the dark, "Cookie, I love you. I love you so much." His kissed her lips tenderly, "Kitty Kate, I love you too. That was amazing." A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, "Yes. But you're crying." Another tear slid down his cheek absorbing into her palm, "Because I'm happy. You make me happy." Her lips met his and they made love again until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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