Chapter 25

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I was up early the next morning sitting at the table. Silver rimmed glasses adorned my face. I had headphones on so I wouldn't disturb Kate sleeping. I had received a text message from our manager that TXT needed to return to Seoul in a few days. So it was time to write out some new material. What could I write about? I sat there staring at the blank paper with pen in hand. All I could think about was my lady in the bedroom. I didn't want to leave her behind not knowing how long I'd be gone. Things were finally on the right track with us, and leaving would only draw us further apart. But Kate understood this, even though she never liked it. I rested my curled fingers against my cheek and pondered as mine and Kate's favorite song filled my ears. I don't know how long I'd been sitting here, but I hadn't heard Kate come in. She came up behind me and slid her arms down the front of my chest. Have mercy! I was going to miss this. Miss her touch. I leaned my head back just enjoying her caress. She leaned down and dropped a kiss on the tip of my nose and then my lips. It was tender. She smiled her sleepy smile, "Morning, Cookie." I opened my eyes to her. What a vision looking back at me. How will I survive? I'll have to tell her, but right now I just want to enjoy her and this moment. She never asked
about what happened between me, Junnie and Soobin,
and I didn't have the heart to tell her that we ended
things on a sour note. She asked what I was working
on as she walked over to the coffee pot. I removed the
headphones from my ears, tossed the glasses on the
pad in front of me and rubbed my hands over my face.
I groaned, "Just trying to find the right words for a song."  Kate was so good at this. Words came naturally for her. She had a whole black book that proved that. Hits after hits. But I struggled. My greatest accomplishment was the song I wrote for her. She asked, "Can I help,"  filling the chair to the left of me. As much as I would welcome her help, I only reached for her hand and told her that she already does. She's my inspiration. As sweet as it was, I don't know if she
bought it. Even though I've told her time and time
again that she is what moves me. She is my music. My
song. My melody. What else do I need when I have her. I got up to refill my cup. Just having her by my side, next to me, completed all the man I am. She is my
home. My way home always. Everything road leads to
her. My Kitty Kate.

Hours laters Taehyun was walking up the sidewalk from the TXT house when he spotted Kate sitting at a table alone inside the local coffee shop alone. She had her head down, scribbling something in her little black book. He approached her, and turned a chair around, straddling it. To look at Taehyun you would think he was the epitome of a nice guy. But underneath that exterior laid a life of ugliness. He folded his arms across the top of the chair. Kate didn't pay him any mind. She hadn't even noticed that her privacy had been invaded. He cleared his throat roughly, and she raised her eyes, her gaze locking with his. A tiny smile appeared on her face. Tae. He grimaced not letting her beauty trip up his reason for coming in here. He hadn't discussed it with the guys, after yesterday's horrible mishap, someone had to go. It was clearly it had to be her. He stated coldly, "I have a proposition for her. How much money would it take for her to go away?" Kate sat frozen, hanging into every word Taehyun spoke. With each sentence she felt her chest tighten, and tears on the brink of cascading down her cheeks. He replied his tone cold, short and rude, "I want you to disappear from TXT's life. To write off Junnie. Walk
out of Gyu's life and don't think to look back. You never really did fit in with us anyway. And if you
don't  leave quietly, Soobin would make your  life a
living hell. Ever since you've been around, TXT is falling apart from the friction you've brought on by your very existence. If you ever loved Junnie or Gyu you will  pack up and go. Quit your job at the Gypsy. Leave the campus. And vanish from Daegu for good. Or face the consequences on the other side." The tears flowed freely from her eyes. She was completely shaken up by his threats. He stared at her in a very uncouth and heartless manner. Her tears did not phase him. He stated, "Am I clear? How much do you need to leave. I'll pay you any price to get you out of our sight." She roughly wiped the falling tears off her face and chided, "You can keep your goddamn
money. No amount of money will  keep me out
of Gyu's life. Sadly I'm here to stay. Daegu is
my  hometown and she I'm not leaving." He shook his
head, "That's the wrong answer. There will be hell to pay, and you will be dragging TXT into the fiery pits with you." With that being said he walked away, leaving her shaking in her skin, terrified. What the hell just happened? And is that what Tae thought of her? Why was he trying to sell her out, and get away from TXT? What happened yesterday that Gyu nor Junnie told her? Did Tae know about the advances that Soobin made towards her? Her eyes met with Kai's just as he walking in. He spoke to Tae, but Tae blew him off in passing.

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