Chapter 41

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I couldn't stand being away from my Kitty Kate. I had to see her. To hear her voice. I'd been up too early filming the scene for our "Loser/Lover" video. It stirred up too many memories of my love/hate relationship between my family and Kate. They had told me to put feelings into it. To think on something sad. And here I am. My room is in complete dishevel. I've thrown things around. I've broken the computer keyboard. I've tossed my guitar. I've broken records. Cassettes. I've been shaken and grabbed by my on scene dad. I've hollered and roared. Tugged at the roots of my hair. This and so much more. And of all things they have wearing this hideous skirt. It all came crashing back. Kate and I had to be together. I loved her with all of me. And damn it! I hate this song had to remind me of us...even down to my role. Ugh!! I dropped down into the chair and pulled out my phone. I FaceTime my fiancée. My face was still damp from the fake tears I had to cry. And what was she going to think of the blond streaks in my hair. I'm still trying to get used to it. All of this for a video. I was growing impatient as Kate's line rang. This wasn't like her. She always had her phone nearby. Then suddenly she answered and her face came into view. Beautiful. Perfect. And mine. She answered with a smile, "Hey, Cookie." My cheeks warmed. Just hearing my nickname made my heart swell with so much love
for her. She asked me how things were going, and I
explained the scene to her. It brought tears to her
eyes, but she understood. She noticed my hair and
told me how much she loved it. Just hearing her speak
and tell me she loved me made me realize how much I
needed to get back...even though I'd just left yesterday. But 'when' was the question. I wanted to marry her...and soon. Even though I was hours away, just seeing her beautiful face, made up for the long distance. I asked her how was her night and she grimaced at first then painted on a smile. The tale tale sign made me nervous. I realized Soobin didn't return to the TXT house in Seoul, and that made me nervous. He'd had a meeting with one of our managers, and I'd assumed he would have been here last night. I wanted to ask, and the question knocked on the forefront of my mind. Just as I went to forget it, I heard her say that Soobin stayed the night. My face went stiff. Are you kidding me? I should have known that no good sly dog would try something. Now I was curious. Had he touched my woman? It took all I could do not to hang up now and call his sorry ass for crossing me. What was Soobin trying to prove? Kate was not the prize to be shared between the Choi's. She's my fiancée, and no one seemed to care. The ring on her finger was meaningless to my friends. I just prayed nothing had happened. At this moment I didn't want to know. I only remembered the last time she'd been alone with him. My whole world went cold. I lost it all that night.
She'd asked if I'd eaten, and I told her only a granola bar and coffee. Nothing substantial since I had to be here at the crack of dawn. I missed waking up next to her. Kissing her good morning. Holding her in my arms. I longed to be near her again. To breathe her in. Just to feel complete and at home. She was my ultimate home. My future. She knew that. My home is wherever she is. My family could disown me for all I cared. I planned on giving Kate my name. I hadn't spoken to them since I gave her the ring. I had told them Kate and I were getting married with or without their support. I had told them I loved her, and love isn't something you could easily walk away from, especially when it's real, and you feel it all over inside and out. Luckily they didn't argue. My mom only shook her head in disappointment. I'd always had their support and love in anything I wanted to do. Anything, but Kate. If only they'd get to know
her. Screw the fact that she's not full Korean. They
despise that about her. They feel that she's bad blood.
But Kate's been in my life for so long. She's my best
friend and the love of my life. When I joined TXT they
had hoped that it'd be the end of my no nonsense,
hopeless relationship with Kate. But little did they
know..It was only the beginning. Kate would always be
a part of me.

After Kate's FaceTime with Gyu she made her way downstairs, but something caught her eye as she approached the stairs. Soobin's bedroom door was opened, and he was still asleep. On his stomach. Hugging his pillow. The covers draped around his torso. His bare muscled back. Kate gulped. She never noticed it before. No. She shouldn't be having this kind of reaction towards him. It's wrong. She's marrying Gyu. Her soulmate. Soobin was only here to distract her. He wanted something she wasn't ready to give. He hated her. Despised her even, but he was attracted to her. Maybe even falling in love with her. She shook her head at themere thought of it. She remembered the kiss they shared. The fire. The heat. She was engulfed in flames. She felt herself grasping the doorframe. What the hell! Was she swooning? Soobin's long frame
stirred. It was as if he felt her green eyes bathing him.
He rolled over onto to his back, his eves slowly
opening. He stretched with a sly smile, "Good
morning, Red. Do you like what you see?" She huffed,
"Oh please. I was just passing by! You have nothing I
want!" He smirked, throwing the covers back,
"That's not the impression I got last night." Her hands flew to her face covering her eyes from the mere sight of him, "Please god don't get up." He came towards her
dressed only in his boxers, "Red, don't go playing shy.
Lord knows I know you're not shy. Besides our bodies
talk, and I'm well aware you're just as excited to see
me." Appalled, her hands fell away and she folded her
arms over her hardening nipples, "Soobin Choi, you
have some nerve!" He winked at her, "What can I say...I love looking at you." She turned to walk away, and he reached for her, spinning her around by the wrist, "Kate, my offer still stands....I want....I need this...with you." Her eyes narrowed to thin slits, "How dare you present me with such. What would Cookie think? You took everything from me, and yet, here you are asking me to cheat on my fiancé with you. Are you fucking serious? And if you dare bring Junnie into this again...." He pushed her up against the doorframe,
"Is that a threat, Red? I'm willing to risk it
all just to get a chance at you. It should've been you
from the beginning. Kizzy was just a stepping stone. I
wanted the real thing. Yes, I loved her...but there was
you. I wanted to know why Gyu was so fascinated with
you. To know what he knows. To touch what he
touches. To begin and end with you. Fuck! Tae warned
me to stay away. He warned me not to get too close.
But hell after seeing you in those red satin shorts, all
my defenses came down. You are one hot vixen,
Katelyn Blue. It's no wonder Gyu and Junnie love and
breathe you." He stroked the outline of her jaw with
the tips of his fingers, "And poor Kai panting for you.
Yes, Red...we all know. In fact, I think you may be
turning Tae's head as well." She turned her head away
in disgust. She was not going to fall for this again. Last
night was just a coincidence. Not again. Not today.
He gently, but roughly grabbed her jaw, "Don't turn your eyes away from me. You look at me when I'm talking to you. You didn't mind soaking me up just moments ago." The pad of his thumb brushed over her pouty lips, "Oh to kiss those taste your vanilla essence on your tongue. Yum." He leaned in closing the small gap between them, "You want it too. Don't you? You're breathing has quickened. I'm going to kiss you now. And you're going to enjoy it. Welcome it...and we may just finish what we started last night. That's why you're here." His lips crashed into hers as he pinned her against the doorframe. She gasped, her fingers squeezing the sides of his chest. Her touch burned him and he hissed as their lips parted. Good god he was on fire, and he was taking her down in flames with him. He hated her for igniting his soul like this. The very sweetness of her left him hungry for more. Her vanilla scented skin was driving him over the edge. It took all he could not to tear her away and throw her on the bed. Forget that she belongs to Gyu. Damn that ring! Kissing her may have been a mistake, but it was a damn good one! Their tongue mated and teased. Just like before. There was definitely something there. He panted, resting his forehead against hers, "Kate, you can't......stand here and tell can't feel what is happening between us. Please...take me up on my offer. It'll be our deadly secret. We can do this. We'll find a way. Please don't let me leave here without taking a piece of you back with me." She shuddered, fearing everything he made her feel, "It's too risky. You shouldn't have kissed me like that. You shouldn't be standing this close. I shouldn't be breathing you in. I shouldn't be touching your skin. And I shouldn't be..," she nibbled on her bottom lip. A low groan escaped the base of this throat. "Kate," he growled. She swooned, "And I shouldn't..." On that note he swept her off her feet not being able to stand it much longer.

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