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You know what I hate? When society judges others for being equal to the opposite sex. I get that society is built up of overly stuck up snobs with no pure intention of hurting people, but what they say eventually spreads and let me tell you, it does hurt.

When I was seven years old I was bullied for being the only girl on the soccer team, at the time I wanted to try new things and be different but all the other kids would laugh at me for it. When I was ten I wanted to be in the cadet camp - which is like an army based training camp for youngsters - but I was once again judge for being the one of four girls there. When I was thirteen I tried out for the baseball team but you know what the captain said, he said that I was to 'feminine' to be on the team, so I punched him in the nose and was suspended from school for three days.

When I reached high school I decided that I would just let my life swing by, go with the flow and so on. I didn't want to pressure myself into finding the right sport or subject for me, so I just excluded my self from everyone else. I had one friend, no boyfriend and no one to talk shit about me behind my back, simply because I kept everything to myself.

As I slowly made my way through high school I started to realize that this will be the most simple part of my life and I needed to treasure these moments. I was a senior in high school, everyone knew my name -not in the best of ways- and no one dared to talk to me. I was know as the slutty emo chick yet I was not a slut because A) I have had sex with like, six guys in the past two years, and B) I never sent that nude in 10th grade, my face was photo-shopped onto another girls body. And for the record, just because I listened to emo based bands does not make me emo or gothic.

But my point is that the whole world believes in equality and how no one should get judge for being them selves but yet here I am, in the middle of the hallway, attracting dirty looks from random strangers for being me. To the school kids I'm a confident, outgoing and stuck up slag but really I'm just a shy, reserved and lonely girl.

I knew this guy, Jeremy, he used to sleep round every once and a while to make him self feel better, he would play with girls feelings just for satisfactory. It wasn't the nicest thing to do to people yet he was praised for it where as when I do it, I am shoved into the darkness as it's 'disgusting' and not very 'woman like'.

I don't even sleep with the guys, i just lead them on for the longest time and then drop them as if nothing happened. I do make agreements here and there about the whole 'friends with benifits' things but the guy never sticks to his word.

As we all know, there are many fuckboy's in the world, you look left and there is a fuckboy, look right and guess what you got? Kate's burger stand. But because of my mainstream 'name', I thought I would tell you a guide to being a 'fuckgirl'.

1) Get your flirt on.

A good flirt doesn't hurt any one but when it comes to fucking around, guys like a flirtatious yet shy girl. You use body language to lure them in and once you got them, you flirt and flirt until they are begging for you.

2) Laying Low.

Keep yourself and your dirty little secrets to yourself, by this I mean not telling anyone your ways and tactics; it only makes you look desperate. You need to make sure that the guy you are with also follows the guide lines of not telling a soul, if the secret does happen to get out, you can either suffer with what happens or just lie and say nothing was going on. I did this when John Skidmore shared our deal to the Jocks, I told him to keep his fantasies in his mind not on his dick.

3) Know yourself and your worth.

You are probably thinking, 'pfft I obviously know myself the stupid hoe' but you don't. Know what type of person you like, girls, guys a bit of both? It's all up to you. You will need to know what type of things you want to do, are you more of a relationship girl? And on the side/rebound girl? And most of all, you need to be comfortable in your own skin.

These three steps did not not change my life for the better but they brought along a lot a drastic changes.

I've told you the three simple ways to become a fuckgirl, but to be a fuckgirl is a whole different story.


deicated to mysef because I wrote this :')

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