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It was currently Tuesday morning, two days after the upsetting excuse for a frat party. Sure, it was a great experience and I have a fun time but it wasn't as good as what most people described. For instance, there was no party games going on, not one, which was the one thing I was looking forward.

I was approached by two guys throughout the whole thing, one named Cole who asked for my number and if I wanted to go on a date sometime, I accepted his offer and awaited for his text; it never came. The second guys name was Michael, crazy hair dude asked if I wanted to take a ride on his polo stick and then threw a candy cane at my face, I just laughed and danced along to the familiar rock song.

The Asian - who I found out was in fact Kiwi - was staring at me from the bar for a full forty minute period so that's when I grabbed Beth and left.

I strolled through the hallways of the school confused as to why people were looking at me weirdly and whispering. What have I done now? I reached my locker finding Beth standing next to it with her arms crossed at me. I opened the locker door and pulled out a few necessary books and notes that were needed for today.

"What have I done now?" I sighed picking up the last book and shut my locker quietly. She raised her eyebrows as I pushed the notes and books into my bag.

"You seriously don't know?" She let out a sarcastic laugh and started to walk next to me. I looked at her confused and shrugged my shoulders, "Laila, you turned down one of the hottest guys around." she shouted in a loud whisper.

"What?" I laughed.

"Remember some guy at the party?" I nodded knowing immediately who she was talking about. "His name is Calum, he's literally the fuckboy definition of you and you turned him down." I smiled at her as we turned into the biology class remembering the events that happened that night.

"well I didn't exactly turn him down?" I let out another chuckle at her but she didn't seem amused. We made our way to the seats that were near the far back of the class.

"Well, that's not what Luke is telling every one," she smiled at me.

"Wait, Luke talked about me?"

"listen Lail, the only reason you were invited to that party was because the guys made a bet on you." my face dropped at her words. Was I really that low that people could bet on me?. "They know what you do and they wanted to see who could lure you in first."

"Are you fucking serious right now." I stood up from my chair, picking up the bag that I set down on the ground and left the classroom. It may sound dramatic but I felt used to say the least. Even though I was not physically used, it still hurt.

"Wait, Laila! where are you going." I heard Beths foot steps running after me at a slow jog.

"To show those fuckers what they are going to miss."

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