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I slid into the booth that now held me, Beth, Luke, Michael and a guy called Ashton. Apparently he was the guy who Beth got with at the frat party, he was pretty. He is what I like to call a pretty boy, dimples, cute and has a baby face.

I was sat next to Michael, his hair was now more of a peachy pink tone which confused me because it had only been a week since I saw him with a different colour. He apologised for his behaviour last week and made a few jokes with me while we took the shots.

'Hey, I'll be back now, I need to go and meet my friend' he shouted into my ear. I nodded and smiled at him as he slid out of the booth and walked away.

'What you did to Calum the other day was class' I turned to face Luke who was laughing at me. I shrugged back and laughed at him.

'I was only messing about, I didn't realise it would hurt his reputation that bad' I knew that he was pissed at me in the moment but I also knew that they are all in this for the bet.

'It hurt it pretty bad' he giggled, 'yours hasn't changed though I see?' He wrapped his arm around me and rested it on the back of the chair. His intense blue eyes were staring into mine as he bit down on the lip ring that was resting on his bottom lip.

I smirked back at him, he was trying to make the classic move. I would flirt back and then he will lean in and expect a kiss. Unfortunately I'm not a classy girl.

' What's that suppose to mean?' I raised an eyebrow while keeping the smirk on my face. Maybe his drunken ways will tell me about the bet that was set.

'You know' he laughed and I just scrunched my eyebrows at him.

'I really don't' I turned my body to face him but tried to keep a small smile on my face. I needed these guys to trust me and like me, pushing them away with the first chance I get won't help.

'Everyone knows about how many guys you get with, all the deals you do and how good you are in bed' Luke's smirk was getting more and more flirtatious as he leaned in towards me. He put his plum lips next to my ear so that his lip ring was barley touching it but enough to feel it's presence. 'How about you show me' he whispered.

His lips began to trail down my neck leaving rough kisses on the way down. He was pressing his lips at a slow and agonising pace that made want more and more with every peck.

'I-uh' I attempted to come up with an excuse but nothing would come out. The pleaser was too much. As I looked over the table, Ashton and Beth were both looking our way. Ashton's face was plastered with a smile as Beth look mortified, she knew what he was doing to me and she couldn't help her self.

'Luc, come and dance with me!' She shouted over the table before sliding away from Ashton and out of the booth. I pushed my self away from Luke and I could see an evident smirk lying on his lips as if thinking he was in the lead of the race.

'Oh my god, what was that!' Beth laughed. I just looked at her apologetically.

'It was really nice,' I sighed at the feeling that was still lingering around the area. 'No one has ever made me feel like that within such a short amount of time'

Both Beth and I giggled about the events of just now while wiggling our way through the crowd. The sweaty mess of a dance floor was still in swing and people were still of top form. The music was loud and the atmosphere was perfect.

'Why don't you take a guy back up to the table with the guys?' Beth shouted over the music as her hands were in the air pumping to the same beat and her hips were swaying in time also. 'It will make them realise that you can get any guy, they might feel threatened'

I couldn't help but think that was a stupid idea, how can the 'coolest' guys around feel threatened by another dude. I just shrugged my shoulders as an answer before swaying my hips to the beat along with Beth.

The lights in the club were flickering around the dance floor, the movement all in time with the music. I attempted to follow the beat but I'm such a bad dancer that it never happens.

Three guys started to push past between me and Beth before stopping beside us and dancing along to the tune. They all danced just as bad as me which made me laugh.

'We couldn't help but admire both of your dancing skills' one of the guys shouted to me. His appearance was recognisable, he looked as if you had seen him around multiple times before yet I had no idea. His hair seemed to be an ashy blonde tone with his eyes looked bright green. His lips were plum with a snake bite piercing lay underneath each side of his bottom lip. His was very attractive to say the least. 'We thought we had to stand by you to at least make our selves look semi normal'

'Thank you, at least now I don't have to try as hard' I shouted back. He laughed with me as we continued to dance to the beat or attempt to. Our arms were flying about everywhere and I couldn't help but giggle.

'Do you want to go get a drink?' He asked, I looked around for Beth to see her in between two guys having the time of her life. Her arms were flying in the air as her hips were swaying several ways.

I nodded my head back at him accepting his offer and offering him a smile polite smile which he returned. He was cute.

He pulled at my hand before clutching it in his own to push past everyone on the dance floor. Receiving dirty looks from the majority of them.

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