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I woke up in an unfamiliar room, the walls were a dark grey colour with blackout curtains which meant that no light from the window is seeping into the room. The smell in the air was musky yet fresh, as if someone had just been to the gym but instead of showering they just disguised the smell with deodorant.

I groaned as I stretched my body out in the bed trying to remember the events of last night. I sat up in the bed and took a further look around. The furniture within the room was all a black colour which ties into the aesthetic of band posters scattered about the walls. As I tried to stand up a shooting pain cursed through my head which led me to remember;
I passed out in Daniels arms in a panic before hearing a deep voice stop us.

Last night I felt frightened and scared for my life, alcohol had never put me in such a state therefore something was placed in my drink. Who stopped me from leaving with him? Where am I now?

Questions continued to run through my head as the bedroom door opened. The same brown eyed, muscular boy walked through the door. 'You're awake. Thank god.' Calum said lowly. 'Get up so I can take you home' he signed walking into another room that I presumed was the bathroom.

'I'm sorry' I muttered under my breath. I can't believe I didn't listen to him last night. Daniel had clear intentions about spiking me and he knew. Calum poked his head around from the door questioning what I muttered.

'I'm sorry I didn't listen to you last night' I sighed as I grabbed my heels and tried to put them on my blistered and bruised feet. 'You don't need to say sorry to me babe, you should be thanking me' he said as he walked out of the bathroom now topless.

His body was defined and tattoos were placed around several parts of his upper region. 'In that case, I'm very grateful' I said sarcastically while trying to stand from the bed and trying to avoid looking at his body anymore.

He threw on a clean shirt and gave me a stern look while walking out of his room. I took that as my queue to follow him down the stairs and out through the door. The frat house looked very untidy and had an unkempt boy-ish smell to it. I tired to ignore the few people who were sat in the living room and quickly followed Calum to the car.

He got into his side of the car fast and started up the engine before I even opened the passenger door. Someone's clearly eager to get rid of me. I opened the door to Calum asking me what my address was to which he just nodded briefly, he began to drive off as soon as I closed the passenger door without giving me time to put on my seat belt.

Silence filled the car as we began to drive back to my house, I couldn't help but to glimpse over at the 'fuckboy' version of myself. His one hand rested loosely on the steering wheel while the other on the gear stick, his eyes focused directly on the road ahead but he seemed deep in thought.

My attention broke from looking at the well sculpted boy when the car came to a holt. I gave him a quick smile and mumbled a 'cheers' before opening up the passenger door and heading towards my house. I ripped off a heel at a time as I began to get closer to my front door almost tripping over myself as I did so. I heard Calum speed off pretty quickly after I got out which made me run to my front door quicker.

I pulled my keys from my bag and unlocked the door, before being greeted to a quiet, empty house. I walked straight to my room and flopped straight onto my bed taking in a few sighs of relief to know that I got home safe. I sat up and reached for my phone from inside of my clutch bag and went straight to my texts. I had an unread text from 3.42am form Beth telling me she was home and safe too. I opened the message which showed me texting Beth at 3.27am asking if she was alright and that I got home safe. Confused I just shook it off and felt happy to know my best friend was alive and well.

My phone pinged receiving a message from an unknown number;

+44 759519368
'You can thank me properly later. I'll pick you up at 10 - C'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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