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The clacking of both mine and Beth's heels were like pin drops compared to the music that could be heard throughout the streets surrounding us. This particular part of town was always what I imagined Vegas was like at 2am, especially on the weekends when the clubs were alive and everyone was on some sort of LSD.

The line for the club that was now in full swing was enormous, but we waddled to the back of the line without any problem. the cool air of the night was brushing against our skin making my hairs raise and goose pimples to form. The line was cutting down pretty quickly as people were getting thrown out of the queue for being underage. Luckily for me, I was eighteen, the thing that I was most worried about was the fact that Beth was using her sisters ID because she was 5 months younger then me and hasn't yet turned eighteen, if she couldn't get in then I wouldn't go in on my own.

"ID ladies" The bouncer shouted over the loud music blaring from inside the club. I handed over my ID that I received a couple of months ago and he studied it for a while before handing it back and nodding me in. Beth then did the same but the man at the door studied her sisters ID for a few seconds before nodding her in to. He must of known that it was two different people because Beth look like a completely different person compared to her sister.

The music was getting louder and louder as we started to walk down the steps. The dance floor came into view with people jumping about and hands waving in the air. This is the first time Beth and I have been to this club and by the looks of it, we'll be coming back for sure.

'This is amazing' Beth shouted down to me as we reached the bottom of the stairs. I laughed at her comment before turning to bid at her.

'I'm going to go to the bar, I'll get some shots for us if you can find us a booth.' I shouted into Beth's ear. It would be impossible to hear anything besides my own voice with how loud the music was playing but it was still fun.

Beth nodded and laughed back at me while mumbling 'ok' before disappearing into the crowd. The bar was right the way across the dance floor so I pushed my way through the everyone who raving and grinding over each other. The heat radiating off of everyone on that dance floor was horrendous, I felt like I wanted to pass out as soon as i stepped into it.

As soon as i got to the bar I sat on one of the stools that wasn't occupied and waited for the waitress to serve me. After a short while she came up to me and handed me a pint of beer before asking if I wanted anything.

'I didn't order this' I shouted to the waitress across the bar. She smiled back at me.

'It's from the man over there' she pointed to the left of the bar where a familiar face was staring at me. Calum I believe his name was. His eyes were intently looking at me and his arms were pressed against the table. He picked up his drink and lifted it into the air in my direction before taking a sip.

I grabbed the pint of beer that was in front of me before taking a few gulps and placing it back on the table without looking back at him. I looked back at the bar tender and asked for a row of tequila shots and two vodka and cokes.

While she went and got the drinks I ordered, I quickly gulped down the remaining pint. I could feel Calum's eyes still on me which made me nervous. The bet is most probably still happening and I still want to get back at them but that doesn't mean I don't want Luke. He was still hot as fuck and I wouldn't mind going there.

The bar tender shortly came back with a tray of drinks that I had ordered, I gave her the correct amount of hangs before picking up the drinks and going to find Beth.

I walked straight past everyone on the dance floor to find Beth chatting up a few guys on a booth, she turned an smiled to me before waving me over.

As I started to walk over there with the tray of drinks, she mumbled a quick sorry into the air which confused me slightly. What the fuck is going on?

As I set the drinks down in front of us, I turned to look at who was sitting at the booth.

Luke fucking Hemings.

Fuckgirl | C.H. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя