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When we made it onto the campus (without getting asked for ID) and into the party where I started to panic. What if Luke remembered me from all of our bad encounters? What if he remembers what happened in 6th grade with my parents? What if he doesn't even notice my presence? Beth saw the nervousness on my face and decided to squeeze my arm for reassurance, which for me, was a big deal.

Beth pulled both me and herself through a bunch of overly intoxicated teenagers and into the lounge area that seemed to be less crowded.

"Wait here and I'll find us something to drink" she shouted over the music, and with that I was left standing on my own in a half empty lounge. From a distance I probably look like an awkward penguin that was waiting for its mate; in my case I was waiting for a friend.

I took a seat on the brown shredded sofa that was clearly old and beaten up, the arms of the chair were a slightly tinted black and there was casual rips here and there but never the less, it was comfortable-ish.

Beth came back in no more than two minutes of sitting by my self. She had manage to carry two plastic cups full of a clear liquid in one hand, in the other was four small jelly shots in a range of colours. I took both the blue cups from her freakishly large hand as she plonked herself next to me.

"I just saw luke going out the back" Beth yelled over the music, she pointed in the direction she just came from using the cup full of clear liquid; most probably vodka.

"Was he with anyone?" The music around the house started to fade as another up beat song came on. Unfamiliar face were rushing around trying to find some alcohol to drink before the chorus of the song would start.

"Just some guy, he looked like he was going to puke so the guy dragged him out there" Beth looked around for the tenth time trying to examine every one around her. She laid her eyes on a fairly tall tanned guy at the back of the room, Beth turned her bleach blonde head in my direction and gave me the look that said 'wish me luck' as she stood to her feet and made her way to the stranger.

I decided to follow her brave lead by standing up and pushing through sweat glossed bodies to get to the back door. I was stopped multiple times by numerous people asking 'who are you', 'I think I know you from somewhere' or 'Aren't you that reject from art class'. And I can officially confirm that I have never will nor want to see those people again.

I practically fell out of the glass door frames tripping over both feet, fortunately enough my balance stayed in contact and I remained standing. Before me was a large patio that looked like it has been invaded by weeds and moss. Following the patio was a mess of bushes and untrimmed grass.

"Can I help you?" A stern deep voice startled me from viewing my surroundings. I turned to see an attractive Asian guy in a muscle top, his biceps were pretty firm and his hair was perfectly puffed up with one streak of blonde towards the front; He was hot.

"I-Uh" I looked back towards the party, then the bushes and then to the boy, "I-I needed a bit of fresh air"

"Well couldn't you have done that in the front yard?" He questioned. I glanced behind the firm guy to see someone else bent over the small patio wall, his chest rose and fell in quick motions as puking noises were made. By the muscles flexing in his back when ever he released the not nice toxins out of his body, I could finally see that the guy was Luke.

"Is he okay?" I flick my eyes between the two boy's.

"You can't answer a question by another question babe," His body moved one step to the right blocking the view that I had of Luke, "So I suggest you get your ass back inside or exit through the front door."

Some how the confidence that was hidden away due to the nervousness decided to turn up. I took one small step towards him, my legs crossing over each other in attempt to show off my curves In more definition. I flicked my hair so it was all gliding behind my head and scrambled in a mess down my back, "Or what?"

His mouth curled into a small smirk. He knew what I was attempting to do when he took a step forwards, lacing his arm around my waist and taking a full view of my body from the angel he was standing at.

"You aren't out here for the air are you?" His hands were slowly lowering down towards my bottom half as he leaned in slowly.

"No," I whispered back, his lips were less than a centre-meter away, his breath could be felt against my pouting lips as he would exhale. "I was actually looking for the washroom."

I pushed my self out of his embrace and walked towards the door, each step I took I made sure my hips were swaying in attempt to seduce him. A chuckle erupted from Luke -who was still leaning over the wall- which made me feel accomplished. Sure this guy was hot but my plan was to lure in Luke, even though he's puking, the plan is still in action.

I gripped on to the White door frame that surrounded the glass, turning my body back towards the fit lad and winked.

That's right, I winked.

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