C 21

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"So where is 'your' Peter"

"Sorting  out the mess he made. To put it simply... he is making antidotes for the villains that crossed over"

"What do you mean?"

"The bad guys from your world crossed over to my world."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah. I actually met them earlier. After you. They actually knew me. Well not me... but you know. So now I need to go help him"

"Can he not do it himself?"

"You are joking right?"

"No, I think he is smart enough to fix them by himself."

"Well if you knew my Peter the way I do....You would know that he needs my help. He's not  smart enough to do this on his own.  But He got all defensive as usual so now I have to to the classic sneak-out"

"Maybe he was worried for your safety"

"I'm a big girl I can take care of myself."

"Gwen I don't think..."

" I am going to help him. Even though my parents would be pissed, but you know...wouldn't be the first time"


"Because It's the right thing to do"

I can feel other Peter's demeanour changing.

His once smiley face turning into a serious blank one.

"That's that then?"

"That's what?"

"You're just going to risk your life. Just like that?"

"I—he needs my help"

"At the expense of your life?"

"Oh so you think I'm going to die? I'm just making a few antidotes. I'm not going to be actually fighting these guys. They won't try and pull anything, it's either they get fixed or sent hone. We hold the power if they try to turn on us. One message to MJ and they go bye-bye!"

"No, no, no, no, no. It's not that simple. It is never that simple. You could die Gwen. It's not safe. What if it doesn't work? You really wanting to risk that. I can't lose you not when o just got you after all this time"

"Wh-What are you talking about? You have known me for like a day!"

"Are you serious? Gwen you can't go. You have to stay here where you are safe"

He has to be joking.

There is no way I will sit in my room.

When I can help Peter.

I can speed up the process so we can get them fixed.

The quicker we get them fixed the sooner they can leave.

"I don't know who you think you are but my Peter needs me.  You have no right to tell me I can't do this. Who are you my boyfriend? Last I checked your girlfriend... Your 'Gwen' is back in your world. Not this one, not mine"

"I know- just-What about yourself? Your parents? Friends? They will be worried about you. Do you not care for your own safety? You can get hurt"

"I will be fine. This is for peter. They will insert stand"

"You'll help him at the expense of yourself?"

"He's one of my best friends. I've known him my whole life. As much as I hate to admit it I would do anything for him. If I die. I die. You just gotta learn to accept it!"

Other Peter shakes his head vigorously.

"Gwen. I lost— I lost someone important to me in my world because she didn't listen to me. Now I need you to listen to me. I'm begging you to."

"I have to help him. And I don't need you to tell me if I can or can't"

He stares at me a couple seconds.

"Fine! Whatever. Get yourself killed. See if I care. I'll just be going home anyways I don't need this again"

He steps back as he shakes his head as he runs a hand through his hair.

"All you Gwens' are as stubborn as ever I swear"

"Us Gwens'? You Peter's are all about protecting me! News flash I can protect myself. I don't need you guys acting like my hero!"

"Well I am sorry that we seem to care about you"

I then walked closer to other Peter as I turn his face towards me as I place one hand on his forearm, another on his cheek.

"Peter I respect that you care about me. But this is my choice okay. Can you respect that? You have to trust me. I need you to trust me."

look up at him with pleading eyes

Peter mirrors my look down at me.

"You asked me if I trusted you. Question is, do you trust me?"

"I do trust you. I've always trusted you. From the moment I saw you. I just don't want to loose you.  You have to understand that. I care so much for you. This  may seem like a day to you, that we have met, but to me—to me it feels like a lifetime"

I can't help but smile more at his words.

"I understand completely. I care about you too"

"You do?"

"Yes. Through this little time of knowing you I have grown to... care about you. A lot. Which is weird."

Other Peter smiles at my words.

"There has been weirder things"

I lightly laugh, nodding at him.

"(Sigh) The thing is you are leaving soon. You will be leaving soon. You have me , your Gwen waiting for you back home. She cares about you. Probably even loves you. More than I ever could. I can't be selfish and steal you from her. And you can't stop me from doing what I need to do. I need to do this. You have to understand that."

Peter pulls back a bit as he looks down at me confused.

"You're not—"

"I have my own peter who needs me"

"Wh-wh-what about me? I-I need you"

It is now my turn to be confused, as I look up at other Peter, startled by his words.

"someone needs to protect you. Put you first. Why can't that be me?"

I feel a smile tug my lips

"Thanks. I appreciate it. I do. But it can't be you"

"Why not?"

"You know why"

Other Peter shakes his head as he looks to the ground.

"You have to let me go"

"Gwen. Please. Don't do this"

"I have to. You know I do."

Other Peter says nothing as I step back a bit.

"This would probably be goodbye. So..."

I lean up as I peck his cheek.

He smiles at my action which I return.

"What was that for?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know... for caring. About me. I've never really met anyone like you. My Peter included (light chuckle) and I know after my Peter and I put things right you will leave... so I guess it is my way of saying goodbye"

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