Imagine: Stealing Aragorn's crown (requested)

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Today was a very special day for King Aragorn was to be hosting a ball, where people from all sorts of kingdoms would be making appearances.

For the past week, all the servants had been running around like headless chickens trying to prepare everything in time.

It was early in the morning as you sat in front of your little vanity. Your hair was styled in a low bun, the tips of your ears being covered by strands of hair. You tie a headscarf around your head, securing it around the bun, before standing and exiting the room.

Making your way to the laundry room, you collect a basket full of clean linen before entering the hall once again. You shortly reach your destination, swiftly opening the door with the basket at your hip and walking into an empty guest chamber. 

You walk over to the bed, removing the old linen sheets before neatly folding them into a pile. After replacing the sheets with the new ones, you put the old sheets in the basket and turn towards the servant doors. 

You had no reason to be using the servant halls, for it was only used when servants needed to get to places undetected by guests, and as the guests had yet to arrive, servants had no reason to be discreet. 

But this was a special occasion.

Unlocking the door, you enter the dimly-lit hall and make your way down the corridor. After a few minutes of walking, you reach an intersection. Normally you would turn left and return to the laundry room. But you weren't going there. Not yet anyway.

Without but a quick glance around, you turn right and continue walking, basket in hand. 

Soon, you reach a large wooden door. You try the handle and find, unsurprisingly, that it's locked. You look around the dark hall before  dropping the basket and stepping up to the lock.

It takes you a few minutes of twisting and prodding, but eventually, the lock surrenders with a satisfying click. You release a breath, smiling victoriously before slowly opening the door. 

The large room was empty, save for a structure sprouting from the marble ground. And on the said structure, sat the glorious crown of Gondor. 

A wicked grin spreads across your face and you pick the basket back up. You look around the room, making sure you were the only one there before walking up to the crown. If it was anyone else, their footsteps would be echoing as their boots clinked against the polished floor, the unfurnished room doing nothing to absorb the sound. But you weren't anyone. 

Sitting the basket down by the structure, you reach for the crown with steady hands before picking it up effortlessly. You reach into the basket and pick up a pillow you had taken from the room. You open it up and stuff the crown inside before returning the pillow into the bottom of the basket. You stretch out and dust your hands, satisfied. Much easier than expected.

Having not made a single noise to alert the guards standing outside of your presence, you pick the basket back up and silently leave the room, locking the door behind you. 

If everything was to go according to plan, no one would notice the crown was missing until the guards had to fetch it for the king's public appearance at the ball. But hopefully by then, you would already have left.

Hiding the pillow in your own chambers, you return the basket to the laundry room before continuing with your tasks until the ball started.


The ball was about to begin and the guests had started to arrive. Everything was mayhem. Now was the perfect time to slip away.

You get your satchel and pack it with everything you came here with-- which wasn't much, along with the crown securely tucked at the bottom. You then drape a cloak over your garments, obscuring the satchel in the process. 

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