Chapter 4

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Clara got up and made sure no one was looking before racing out and grabbing a hitched horse. She quickly hops on the horse and makes it go, racing off into the forest.

Colonel Tavington comes back and goes into the tent, just to find a missing prisoner of war.

He gets out of the tent and sees one of the horses is missing, "That damned girl." He growls and mounts his horse, racing after her along with a few of the Green Dragoons.

Clara races through the woods, she turns around and sees the Red-Coats chasing behind her.

"Damn," She urges the animal to go faster, going up a steep hill. The horse leaps and gets to a position where no other animal could get up. She stops the horse and looks down at the furious Colonel William "The Butcher" Tavington.

"Gentlemen! You will always remember this day!" The horse reared up, "As the day you almost caught Clara Lusia White!" She took off back into the woods with a bright smile on her face.

Tavington backed up and glared up at the steep height.

"Find her and bring her to me." He growls and looks at Bordon who had a sad look.


"Are you questioning my orders?"

"No sir but-"

"Then Find. Her." He said, gritting his teeth, "Do any means necessary to get her."

The cold-hearted man rode off, the Green Dragoons rode in different directions.

Clara rode back her way back to her hometown and the silence was so thick you cut it with a knife.

She saw a lot of the homes destroyed in the distance. As she trotted closer to the small town she saw bodies hanging from a tree with a sign reading, "Be warned"

She rode in and looked around, "Hello?" She called out, "Hello!" She hitched her horse and walked into her father's bakery which was locked. Clara walked around to the back and made her way into the cellar. She looked around and saw her siblings hiding in a corner.

"Wha-" She heard a gun cock behind her.

"Turn around, slowly." She turned and saw her father, he dropped his rifle and hugged his daughter tight.

"Father!" She said, tears running down.

"How did you escape?"

"I found a horse and I left." Clara said, her voice shaking lightly, her siblings got up and hugged their older sister tight, "I had to come home."

Her father let happy tears fall down, his little girl was finally home, even though it was only a day since she was taken away from her family. The man feared he would never see her again, her siblings missed their sister a lot.

Meanwhile, Captain Bordon was riding through fields slowly, thinking about how the Colonel ordered, "By all means necessary to get her back." He sighed, Clara, a young, innocent girl. She should be home with her family, the Captain figured he should find her first before Tavington found her.

It had been nearly a few hours since the Captain was sent to find the girl and so far no luck. He found a small town and guilt rushed over him as he saw the small glimpse of Clara And her siblings playing 'kick the can' in the middle of the road. The smile on her face made his heart sink to his stomach. Then, it started to rain.

"I can't do it..." He frowned and started to go away until he saw Colonel Tavington and a small group ride up, the horse hooves pounding against the cobblestone. Bordon races in the town and looks at Rose, whose face went pale.

"Get to the church now." He orders the girl. Thunder boomed and Clara Flinched at the loud sound.


"Now!" He snaps and Clara Races off to the large church at the end of town. No one was in there, she sat down at the pew. Bordon walked in after her and she turned.

"What are you-"

The captain shushes her, "Just listen to me, go with everything I say and you will be fine. I'm here to help you."

"You're not going to arrest me?" 

"Not while you're in here, I can't." Bordon gave her a gentle, friendly smile. 

Clara nodded her head slowly, unsure if the man was telling the truth. She supposed she would just have to find out. Rain beat against the church roof, thunder sounded and lightning flashed every now and then.

The Green Dragoons rode in and saw Bordon's horse hitched at the Church. Tavington smirked and got off his horse, he stormed in and saw Clara and the Captain together.

"Excellent job, Captain," The Colonel said, his voice laced with venom, "Now arrest her."

"I can't sir," Bordon said, "She claimed Sanctuary, there's nothing I can do."

Tavington glared and took a few steps forward, "Then drag her outside and-"

"You will do no such thing," A priest stepped forward and pulled Clara Behind him, "You will not touch her."

The two men had an intense, deadly stare off. Tavington growled and stormed out of the church, Bordon turned to Clara And she gave him a weak smile.

"Thank you." She mouthed the words. She turned back to the priest but he had already left for his chambers. She walked towards the door and felt someone come behind her and pin her arms behind her back.

Tavington held her tight and Clara grunted in pain, "You picked a lovely hiding place my dear." He whispered in her ear, resting his head on her shoulder, he took in a long breath, wrapping a strong hand around her neck gently.

"What are you doing?" Clara said in a low voice. Tavington smirked and held her closer against his body.

"Oh I was just picturing a rope around that lovely neck of yours." He whispers, his lips grazing her ear. She shivered and Tavington let her go, pushing the girl forward.

"You can't hide her forever," He said, going to the large wooden doors of the church, "You'll have to come out eventually and when you do."

He turned around, his blue eyes flashing with evil intent, "I'll be waiting." He walked out, slamming the doors behind him. Clara flinched and ran to the window, seeing the spawn of Lucifer himself giving orders to his men.

"Guard every entrance and door." She heard the Colonel say, she turned her back and moved to sit down at a pew again. She knelt down and prayed to her Lord for guidance and help. The priest sat next to her and rubbed her back.

"I know I can't stay here forever," She says to the older man, "I can't leave either."

"You can stay here as long as you like, child." He says in a soft, comforting voice. She nods her head and listens to the rain, it's calming. She yawned and laid down, resting her head on the wooden seat, falling asleep quickly, hoping by morning, the soldiers would be gone. 

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