Chapter 23

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(Decided to change the house)

Clara woke up the next morning cuddled in her husband's arms, he was passed out. All night all they did was drink and party, Clara only had one glass of champagne. When her and Tavington danced, it was like nothing else in the world mattered, it was just them together.

"Good morning love," Tavington whispered, kissing her temple softly, "How'd you sleep?"

"Perfect..." Clara said, hugging her husband, "Just perfect."

The husband and wife held each other in their arms and yawned together. They stayed in bed for a while, the sweet song of birds outside filled the air, and the sun peeked through the thin white curtains.

Tavington moved down and placed his head on her stomach, lifting her dress and kissing her belly, "Little baby... my little baby."

"Our baby."

"Mmhmm," Tavington said with a slight smile while continuing to place multiple little kisses on her belly.

Clara sits up in bed, Tavington grins and gets up, "No no no, stay there. I'll be back." He ran off, Clara obeyed but in confusion just sat there in their bed.

A few minutes later, Tavington came back with a small tray full of eggs and some meat, he poured her tea and smiled at his wife.

"Breakfast in bed, for the lovely lady." He smiles, "How'd you sleep last night?"

"Actually I slept amazing." Clara says, drinking the tea and eating her breakfast. Tavington smiled at his wife, "She's so beautiful, I love her."

"No no no! Get back here!" Clara said, chasing chickens around the coop. The little brown hen squawked and flapped her wings around the coop. Clara leaped and caught the fowl.

"Gotcha!" She grinned and shoved the chicken back in the coop. She wiped her hands on her dark green dress and smiled before heading to the barn, getting a cow into the stall and milking it.


"I know," Clara said, "Almost done, I promise."

She continued to squirt the milk into the metal bucket before she heard a voice.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

Clara stood up and went to put the brown cow back into the field, "Can I help you?" She turned to a man in a red-coat. He bowed and smiled at the girl.

"Is Colonel Tavington home?" He asked, Clara shook her head and stepped forward.

"No, he's out, but I'm his wife. Can I take a message?"

"He's needed in Charlestown for the next three days," The soldier handed Clara a letter, bowed, and left. She took the letter and went to her husband's office, set the paper down on his desk and went back outside.

"Moo!" She saw the little black and white calf break out of the pen and prance around the field. Clara laughed and chased the animal around the field for a while, before sitting down in the grass. The calf trotted up and nuzzled her head, Clara smiled and petted the large baby before going back to the barn and doing her normal chores around the farm. Her life was as perfect as could be.

Meanwhile, Tavington was at the blacksmith, working on swords and weapons. He wiped the sweat from his forehead from the extreme heat and put things in the water. He quickly went to a bucket of cold water and splashed his face with it, cooling off. He rolled up his sleeves and wiped the water off.

After a few hours, he finished his work, got on his horse and rode back to their home, once he got off he went to the small barn they had. He went inside and saw Clara in a stall grooming Aries. He smiled and took off his jacket.

"Hey love." Clara turned her head, got up, and ran towards her husband. She leaped in his arms and kissed him. He chuckled and kissed her back.

"I've only been gone for 5 hours," He says against her lips with a smile.

"Feels like 5 years to me," Clara mumbled, burying her head in the crook of his neck. Tavington smiled and hugged her tight, Clara felt safe and relaxed in his arms. She felt like she was home, she was home.

"So sweet you are." He chuckles and pets her hair, "How's the little one?"

"I'm only 2 months pregnant, the baby isn't even developed yet." Clara says, kissing his cheek. Tavington grins and puts her down, getting on his knees and kissing her belly.

"My little baby." He says, Clara runs her fingers through his hair and giggles. He gets up and kisses her forehead, "So what happened while I was gone?"

Clara walked to the chicken coop and collected eggs, "Someone stopped by, I put the letter he gave me on your desk."

"Thank you." He said and went to the house, Clara continued to work around the barn before going back inside the house. She cleaned up, got into a nightgown, and went to Tavington's office. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his neck softly.

"Hey love." She whispered, she glanced at the letter and Tavington sighed.

"They want me in Charlestown for a few days," He sighs and leans back in his chair, "I'll have to leave tomorrow morning."

Clara got on her knees and rested her head on his thigh, "What am I supposed to do while you're gone?"

"What do you normally do?"

Clara gave him sweet innocent puppy eyes, "Wait for you to come back..."

"It'll only be a few days."

Tavington loaded up a small wagon and pet the horses, "Shall I bring you something back from Charlestown?"

"A rose."

Tavington leaned down and kissed his wife, "A rose it is."

"Stay safe please." Clara pleaded in a soft voice, "I don't want to lose you."

"I'll be back in three days."

Tavington flicked the reins and the horse moved along, "I love you." He said as he drove away.

"I love you too." Clara said, watching the figure of her husband grow smaller and smaller as he left. 

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