Chapter 24

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After her husband left for Charlestown, the skies turned black and it started to storm. She got all the animals into the barn as it started to rain. She got inside and went to their room, she laid on their bed and held her pillow close to her body, she imagined it was her husband.

William felt the rain fall down, he flicked the reins to get faster, he made it to Charlestown and got a room at an inn. He sat at the tavern and ordered a whiskey. He downed it in one gulp as it stormed outside. He ran his fingers through his wet hair.

"Hey there handsome." He heard a woman coo, he turned and saw a harlot, her cleavage showing a lot. He averted eye-contact, "How about you and me have a good time."

"I'm married."

"Oh please, even married men need a break."

"I am married." Tavington warned, "I'm faithful to my wife."

"She won't have to know."

"Beat it whore," He growled, "I said no."

The woman rolled her eyes and left him alone. He rolled his eyes back at her and frowned as he downed another glass of whiskey before retiring to his paid room. He missed Clara already, he couldn't sleep, he just wanted her in his arms. He grabbed a pillow and wrapped his arms around it, imagining it was his love. Of course it wasn't really her but he could pretend.

For the next few days it was nothing but boring meetings and more stress put on Tavington's shoulders. He got on his wagon and flicked the reins to go back home, he completely forgot about the gift he was supposed to get for Clara until he saw a small rose bush.

"I almost forgot." He stopped his horse, plucked the red rose, and put it on the wagon and went back home. He smiled as he pulled up to the small ranch and found his beautiful wife, riding around in the field on her horse, she looked so happy. Once she spotted him she bolted towards her husband and leaped in his arms. He picked her up and spun her around.

"I missed you so much!" 

They embraced for a moment for Tavington pulled out the rose he got her, "A rose, as you requested." 

"Thank you, I love it." Clara smiled, kissing his cheek. 


Tavington woke up in the middle of the night screaming. Clara shot up and saw her husband sweating and shaking. She figured he must've been having a PTSD attack from the war. 

"William..." She whispered, touched his shoulder, he flinched and ran his fingers through his hair, while breathing heavily. The Colonel got up and went to their bathroom, running cold water and pressing a cloth to his forehead.

The sounds of screams, gunshots, and cries were filling his head. He coughed and stared at his reflection in the mirror, he stared into his cold blue eyes.

"I'm a monster..." He thought to himself, he felt a gentle hand on his back, turned, and saw his wife. She stood behind him, a worried look on her face.

"William?" Clara asked in a soft voice, she loved her husband more that life itself and it pained her to see him like this. Tavington looked at her, she led him back to bed, his legs and hands were shaking.

When they got to sit on the bed, he looked at her with a sad expression before breaking down into tears. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, Clara rubbed his back soothingly like a mother would. He looked at his shaking hands, the hands that held the blood of so many men and women he killed. Y/N grabbed his hands and kissed his knuckles softly.

"Shhh, it's okay William." She whispered, kissing his forehead softly, "It's okay."

He couldn't get the image of his comrades and the people he killed out of his mind, they're dead, bloody bodies remained in his mind.

"William, look at me." Clara said in a whisper, he looked at his wife and she let a tear fall down. She petted his hair and gave him a sad smile, "It's okay, it's all over. You're home now, you're home."

William took a few deep, shaky breaths. His lip quivered, "I'm home..." He whispered.

"You're home," Clara assured her husband, "You're home. The war's over, it's all over."

"It's over," He nodded, "I'm home, it's over." He calmed down and took a deep breath. He looked at his wife and kissed her forehead, "I'm home, it's okay. It's over."

"That's right, William," Y/N smiled, "You're home."

Tavington nodded his head and looked at his wife, "How's the baby?"

"The baby is doing just fine." Y/N smiled, patting her belly, "Everything's fine."

He nodded his head and laid back down, cuddling up to his wife, "I love you."

"I love you too William." She smiled and kissed her lover, "I love you so much."


Clara washed their clothes as it started to rain. Thunder sounded and she quickly shot around to see William drop his bags, he froze and she ran to him.

"William," She held his face in her hands as rain fell on them, "Look at me."

Her husband started to breath heavily and clutched her biceps as he tried to control his screaming.


"You bastard!"

"Colonel Tavington! Help!"

"Burn in hell for your crimes!"

He closed his eyes quickly and Clara kissed his cheek, "William, look at me. You're okay."

"I killed innocent people." He whispered, his voice shaking, "I killed women and children... I'm a monster."

"You are NOT a monster," Clara frowned, "You are everything but that! You are my husband and you are my life. Don't ever say that ever again, you are a brave, caring, kind, protective man."

"William, open your eyes and look at me."

Tavington slowly opened his eyes and saw his wife looking at him, he broke down and hugged her tight, "I love you Clara... but..."

"No buts," Clara frowned, "You are home now, you are okay, I'm here. Relax."

William nodded and flinched as the thunder sounded. They went inside and dried off, when they got into bed together. William snuggled close to his wife, he was never vulnerable about people, he never let anyone see him cry. But for her, for his dear wife. It didn't matter.

"You always know how to make me feel better."

"I'm your wife, it's my job and I'm always here to comfort you when you need it." 

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