Chapter 12

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For the next few days Clara refused to eat anything that was given her, she never came out of the tent and when she did it was to take a bath in the river.

William sat by the fire with his men, he glanced at their tent every now and then. She hadn't spoken a word to him or to anyone for that matter.

"Have you found your ghost?"

Tavington turned and shook his head, "No, damn bastard, but I will find him before this war is over." He growled and stared into the fire, the light reflected on his eyes.

"And Miss White?" Bordon asked, Tavington shook his head.

"Refuses to eat, talk, she's just laid in her bed," He says with a sigh, "I'm worrying about her."

Clara twitched in her sleep and hugged her body.

"Father? What's wrong with mother?" Sixteen-year-old Clara White asked her father.

"She's just sick, a little cold," Solomon assured her, "Nothing too serious, nothing to worry about, I promise."

Clara nodded her head but she knew her father was scared, she left and went to her mother's room.

"Mother?" She asked softly as she went into her room, the woman opened her eyes and gave her a weak smile.

"Hey little hummingbird." She whispered, her voice broken, "Mr. Wilkins treating you okay?"

"Yes ma'am," Clara nodded with a smile, "He said he wishes you well."

"He's a good man," She whispered and yawned, "I love you my little hummingbird."

"I love you too, mother."

That was the last time she saw her mother.

She rode in and looked around, "Hello?" She called out, "Hello!" She hitched her horse and walked into her father's bakery which was locked. Clara walked around to the back and made her way into the cellar. She looked around and saw her siblings hiding in a corner.

"Wha-" She heard a gun cock behind her.

"Turn around, slowly." She turned and saw her father, he dropped his rifle and hugged his daughter tight.

"Father!" She said, tears running down.

"How did you escape?"

"I found a horse and I left." Clara said, her voice shaking lightly, her siblings got up and hugged their older sister tight, "I had to come home."

Her father let happy tears fall down, his little girl was finally home, even though it was only a day since she was taken away from her family. The man feared he would never see her again, her siblings missed their sister a lot.

That was the last time she saw her father and her siblings. Only lord knows what happened to them. May the Lord have mercy on their young souls.

Clara woke up in a cold sweat, thinking about her family, she panted and looked around the dark tent. She let tears run down but wiped them, she then crawled over to the opening of the tent and looked out, William turned his head and saw his love poking her head out of the tent, he excused himself and went inside, he laid down on his cot and Clara snuggled up to him for warmth, he chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you." He whispered, Clara looked up at him and gave him a smile, one he had not seen in a long time.

"I love you too." She whispered back, getting up and getting undressed and comfy. William did the same. He cuddled close to her and rubbed his warm hands along her cold back.

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