Chapter 14

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CaptainCarmel16 and xmalfoy_snapex yall gonna hate me now

When Clara woke up, she found William sitting at a chair, resting his head on the cot, he was sleeping. She smiled and pet his head softly, he opened his eyes and smiled back at her.

"How are you feeling?"

"A lot better." She whispered, kissing his forehead, he sat up and kissed her hand.

"That's good, come on, let's get back to the tent." Tavington says, picking her up and carrying her out of the medic tent.

"You know, I can walk by myself."

"Yes, I know that. But it's more fun this way." He grins and kisses her softly. He brings her to the tent and lays her down on their cot, he lays down and snuggles with her, she clings onto him.

"I love you Clara." He mutters against her lips, kissing her lips every once in a while.

"I love you too." She whispers and rests her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.


Silence passed before Clara decided to break it.

"That was you..." Clara said, "You gave me that drawing off the hummingbird."


"Ten years ago, you came to my house. You gave me a drawing of a hummingbird."

Tavington thought for a long time, thought long and hard, going way back into his memory. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks...

"Sir, I don't mean to oppose but-"

"Then why are you talking about Tavington!" His higher-up snapped, Tavington looked down at his boots as they walked up the steps to the beautiful house.

"You're sick..." He muttered under his breath, no his commanding officer couldn't hear.

"The man of the house should be out, here's your orders," He growled, Tavington looked up, "You will distract the little girl."

"And how am I supposed to do that sir?"

"I don't know," He snapped again in a quiet tone as they approached the door, "Just don't let her come inside."

Tavington looked at his lover and froze, "That was you..." He whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

Clara sat up in her bed and looked at him. He let a tear fall down, a shocked expression was slapped across his face.

"Oh god," He says, running his fingers through his hair, "That- oh heavens... I- I am so sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Clara asked, "What happened?"

Tavington paused for a moment and told her everything.

Clara went silent and let a tear fall down her face, "Clara?" William touched her hand, she jerked it away and got up. She got dressed and left the tent. William regretted everything he just said. The girl stormed across the field, pacing back and forth until something soft hit her in the head.

She turned and saw Bordon, holding a snowball. He paused and looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She turned around and grabbed a handful of snow, packing it into a ball and throwing it, hitting Bordon right in the chest. He smiled and they continued to have a snowball fight in the middle of camp. Clara laughed as more soldiers joined in, taking teams and everyone was having a good time.

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