Before You Read

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I've altered a few things in regards to the Twilight universe so it fits my story. . .

I. the whole 'imprinting' thing doesn't happen here. I think it defeats the purpose of a good slow burn enemies to lovers fic so i've taken it out. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THIS. If I see a million comments asking "why didn't he imprint?" then I am going to throw a fit. Not really, but please remember this fact lmao.

II. I'm not too sure on the pack's canon ages. But in this book, Paul and Lena are 18 (same age as bella). Leah is also 18, rather than 19. Jared is 18, Embry is 17, Quil and Jacob are 16. It's not particularly important to the story, but they are all still in high school in my story.

III. Also i'm giving Bella somewhat of a personality in this book, because it's what she deserves <3

IIII. ALSO my fc for lena and theo are native american because of their heritage with tribes and packs, but i am in no way demonising native americans like smeyer did when writing twilight. if i ever write something that is out of line and wrong in anyway, please don't hesitate to let me know and i'll fix it immediately. i don't know much about native american history or about their culture, so please inform me if i do say something wrong.

It think that's it.

Enjoy :)

PETRICHOR , paul lahote. Where stories live. Discover now