🖌 Law of attraction

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it's only 11 am and I missed my first art class. I love today.

knocking on the art room's door, then opening it, I was met with a classroom full of canvases and paint cans. there were only 2 people inside, my teacher, I'm guessing, and another student who has their back to me as they spoke to the teacher.

"Hello," I walked towards the teacher slowly, only now noticing that the student talking to her also happens to be my partner, Apollo.

I pass him a quick confused and looked back to my new art teacher. she smiles at me, looks back up at apollo, then stands up from her chair.

"I assume you're Lyra Garcia," she tilted her head in amusement when I nodded quietly, "you missed your first class with me," she states in a deadpan tone.

"I'm so sorry Ms. I promise you that I wasn't late or roaming around, I just mixed up between the classes I have today. I had art before English, and I mixed it up. I'm so sorry it won't happen aga-" my rant was cut off by the sound of her laughter.

I looked up to apollo in distress and confusion. He just shrugged and smiled at the teacher. what?

"that's it? I thought I was getting kicked out of class for this. wait- and who was the student?" I started frantically ranting.

"Ms. Garcia, will you please calm down?" I took deep breaths.

"you're not getting in trouble, and I'm afraid the student wants to remain anonymous." she shrugged

"Thank you!" I jumped up and down happily. I was clearly oblivious to who it was at that time.

"You can get seated, Apollo can you start setting up the canvases?" he hummed in response.

"Apollo, you take art?" I asked him as I sat down and took out my things.

"No, I'm just volunteering because I have a free class." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth and nodded.

"Ms. Garcia, while the class fills in, would you like to tell me more about yourself?" the teacher asked, and I looked at her with a horrified expression.

she chuckled "Don't worry, all 3 of us can share things about ourselves so you don't feel interrogated. I'll go first: My name is Ms. Alexandra Mary Simons" she pointed towards apollo.

"My name is Apollo Atlas Davis."

"My name is Lyra Nova Garcia." Both Apollo and Ms. Simons looked at each other and smiled. "My mom loved astronomy, she decided to name me by star names."

"That's interesting if you ask me. More facts now! My favorite weather is summer." Ms. Simons looked at us in anticipation.

"My favorite is Autumn." she gazed at me like she was waiting for more.

"Why is that?" she asked.

"Because it's neither hot nor too cold, it gives you a sense of comfort when the sky is cloudy, and the leaves are falling." Like you can see time physically slow down and take a breath.

"What about you apollo?" she turned to him.

"I don't have one, I just go with the flow of the seasons. enjoy what comes my way" he continued setting up canvases.

"I mean there has to be a season you felt content in, at least more than the rest" I looked at him waiting for an answer.

He just stares at me for a bit. "Winter. because it shows us that even with a deathly cold around us, we can still feel and live."

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