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If you haven't experienced it already, falling on cement face first is very painful. Unfortunately, that's what a small wolf had to go through. She was just floating around in a very weird but cool place. It had a static-y ceiling, floor, and walls. Then, some person just invaded her personal place. 

The experience was funny though. She had to admit that. But it was also scary. Just imagine some person comes out of no where, and screams at you. But then again, wouldn't you scream too?

After that experience, the person went into a portal. Y'know what they say. Wolves are curious and that curiosity killed the wolf! Or is it cats are curious and curiosity killed the cat?

Anyways, the wolf followed this person and immediately regretted it. She had left her comfortable static-y place and was greeted by cement. She got onto her knees and saw someone running away. They resembled the person she had just saw.

"Sweetie! Are you okay?" A voice called out.

The wolf looked at a lady running towards her. She had white fluffy fur that resembled clouds. The wolf imagined jumping on fluffy clouds and flying in the sky. 

"Are you okay?" The lady asked again.

The wolf looked at her, eyes wide open.

"Can you talk?"

The wolf nodded.

"Then, answer me. Are you okay? I saw you face down on the cement."

"Yes." The wolf said, softly.

"What's your name?"

She had never thought of a having name before. In fact, she didn't know any names except for a few. But only one seemed like it belonged to her. Wendy. That name had been burned into her mind and she didn't know why.

"Wendy." She replied.

"I'm Ava." The Arctic Fox smiled. "Do you live nearby?"

"Yes. Over there-" Wendy turned around to look at the portal but it was gone. 


"No where, Miss Ava."

"You don't have a home?"

Wendy shook her head no.

"Oh, well, Lila won't mind me bringing you home." Ava said, talking to herself.

"Who's Lila?"

"Oh! Um, she's my wife." 

"What's a wife?"

Ava blinked in confusion.

"It's uh, never mind. C'mon Wendy. Let's go to my house to get you cleaned up."

The Wolf - A TAWOG AUWhere stories live. Discover now