Everyone is sus

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Hello, it's me the psychopath that lives in your phone.

Remi: @john

John: yea?

Remi: how do I get blood stains out of clothing.

Arlo: wtf

John: why are u asking me

Remi: cuz you always bleeding and somehow come to school the next day with a clean uniform.

Isen: facts

John: I clean them myself

Remi: how????

John: because Remi

John: I am a man of focus

John: commitment

John: and sheer fawking will.

Blyke: you stole that line.

Isen: that's a great movie

Remi: wut movie???

Isen:  oh its called John Wick and it's about...

Blyke: isen don't tell her

Blyke: remember the beginning.

Isen: oh right.

Isen: remi, you wouldn't handle the beginning well.

Remi: what does the main characters brother die.

Isen: worse

Remi: ok, I guess I won't watch it.

John: hey Remi, if you have blood stains on some stuff I could wash it.

John: But you have to tell us why there's blood in the first place.

Sera: yea, you've been really suspicious lately.

Remi: um... I was ..

Arlo: spit it out

Isen: she fell off her bike





Remi: yeah and the blood stained the clothes I was wearing.

Blyke: that's what happened

Isen: completely true story.

John: sus

Sera: sussy baka

John: Sera are you drunk again.

Sera: ... no

Remi: sus.

John: very sus.

Sera: shut up John, your the who's sus

John:how so??

Sera: you had a lot more blood on you than usual and it looked like it's not your's.

John... um

John: it  was zeke again, he beat me up pretty bad today.

Sera: then why was there barely a scratch on you.

John: um... Arlo and Elaine found me and healed me.

John: right guys..

Arlo: ...

John: Arlo? Right?

Arlo: YES. those were in fact the events that took place at that time.

Elaine: yup, totally happened.

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