internet history (re-upload)

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Arlo: Elaine, what did you do to my coffee maker.

Elaine: nothing.

Arlo: Then why the Flying F*** is it on fire.

Elaine: and you thought that was me.

Sera: usually when there's a fire it's traced back to you.

Isen: facts

Elaine:I did nothing to your coffee machine.

Remi: um..

Remi: actually me and John broke it.

John: we tried to make hot coco.

Remi: I used my ability again.

Sera: wait, you hung out without me??!!

Arlo: Seraphina have your jealous breakdown later.

Arlo: when did you do this?!!!

John: last night.

Remi: when you were passed out drunk.

Arlo: wait so you set fire to my room while I was unconscious!!!????

John: yea, I'm surprised your not dead.

Isen: why didn't the fire spread???

Arlo: I fire proofed my walls so Elaine, wouldn't kill me.

Elaine: and yet I have Mr. Chainsaw

Arlo: Elaine, where the f*** did you get that.

Elaine: oh it's John's.

John: if it has to do with killing Arlo I'll do anything.

Remi: I'll electricute him if you go out with me.

John: sure sounds like a win win


Sera: John, I'll kill Arlo faster if you don't.

Remi: you don't even have a ability tho.

Sera: I do

Sera: I'm rich 😎

Arlo: shouldn't I get a say in this!?

John: quiet

John: the adults are talking.


John: are you talking back to me?

John: go sit in the corner.

Arlo: ...

Arlo: fine I will but not because you told me to.

Arlo: because I hear Elaine revving the chainsaw.

Elaine: oooooh, Arloooooo, where are yooooooouuu?????

Arlo: Help!!!!! She's actually going to kill me!!!!!

Elaine: this is because you didn't want me.

Elaine: so it's either me or Mr. Chainsaw

Arlo: ...

Arlo: chainsaw

Elaine: so be it.

Arlo: Aaaaaahhhhhhh

Remi: wait if Elaine kills Arlo does that mean she gets a date with John???

John: no cause I already lended her Mr. Chainsaw

Arlo: john, you suck.

Remi: yay he's alive, meaning I can still kill him.

John: and our fan base calls me crazy.

Arlo: you can't kill me because your weaker and I have plot armou-I mean barrier.

Arlo: and not even a chainsaw can kill me.

Remi: what about I kill your reputation.

Arlo: wut?

Remi: I have your browser history.

John: HA

Remi: I have everyone's

John: f***

Remi: Arlo history.Jpeg


Blyke: "where to buy hierarchy nft"?

Elaine: "how to fire proof yourself"?,

Elaine: ARLO!!!!

Arlo: what, I'm just trying to keep myself safe from you.

Sera: honestly those are very arlo things.

Sera: Remi, you idiot we can't use any of this.

Remi: ...

Remi: Sera history.Jpeg

Sera: gawddamnit

John: let's see here...

Sera: John!!!!! Nooooooo!!!!

John: "Ability loss".

John: "Ability restore".

John: "Ability drugs".

John: order for a custom body pillow?

Sera: um...

Sera: that's taken out of context.

Isen: not when it's a pillow of John.

Blyke: lmao

Sera: Elaine tell them what i did with the pillow.

Elaine: she sold it to Remi for double price.

Remi: double?!!!!

Remi: I mean, I never purchased anything.

Sera: how the tables have turned.

Remi: how about I show you John's history

Arlo: no please don't.

Remi: nope, gonna do it.

John: don't

Remi: no

Remi: wow you guys really don't want me to show it do you.

John: please remi don't do it.

Remi: too late

Arlo: quick do something!!!!

Remi: hahahahhahahaha

Remi: sending now

Remi has been muted by Sera

John: Sera thank you!!!!

Sera: you owe me a Boba

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