018 | february eighteenth

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as the world caves in

     You said that co-dependency was using a relationship to fill a bottomless void— you said it was because people didn't feel whole and didn't feel loved as an individual

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You said that co-dependency was using a relationship to fill a bottomless void— you said it was because people didn't feel whole and didn't feel loved as an individual. It's not the need to be loved that's the issue, you explained, it's the inability to love one's self that causes the dysfunction.

If that what's you mean, why do you look at me like that? Why do you hold such emotions in your eyes? Don't look at me like that.

I can recognise pity anywhere.

I've seen it in Armin's eyes. In Mikasa's. In Jean's. In Connie's. In Sasha's. In Historia's. In Levi's. In Hange's. I've seen it. Everywhere I went, pity was there.

I don't want to see it in your eyes.

You continued, saying that when an individual finally heals, they'll be able to understand why they are broken.

     But that's the thing, my dear, I'm not broken. So, stop looking at me like that.


     Why does that feel like a lie?

     As I wrote those words, they registered in my head. I'm not broken. It feels odd to write that. My hand moves in a way that doesn't feel right. My fingers itch. Something burns.

     I know why.

     I think I'm just not ready to face the truth.

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