021 | february twenty first

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i found you and you led me to the light

i found you and you led me to the light

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     You're a paradox. I realised that today.

We were sitting together as usual when that epiphany overcame me. You see, sweetheart, you have this tendency to be insecure about the way you talk with others or your appearance— you ask me if you look okay one moment, dressed in a commoner's outfit (the only outfit you and I had ever worn growing up, or so you said a few weeks ago) or a professional nurse's one. You think you ramble too much. I happen to like that.

It fills the silence.

And it makes the days go faster.

(Sometimes I don't like that).

(Sometimes I want the world to slow down and finally pause, come to a stand still and allow me to engrave these amiable moments into my forsaken memories).

     You also love yourself to the point of narcissism. You brag about your family and the genuine acts of appreciation you do.

     Like baking cake.

You're also very warm and endearing one second, but indifferent and aloof the next. You smile as if the sun is backing your teeth and illuminating the brown colour of your eyes. It's my favourite colour, you know? Brown. Well, perhaps it's your eye colour that I adore. They shimmer with gold flecks.

Like a pair of snake eyes, slit pupils and all, I find myself hypnotised. I could stare into them and never feel any sense of boredom. There're so many things things to discover in the universe residing in your head.

Either way, you're a paradox.

Some days we could talk about nature and all its wonders until sunset, and others a simple smile in my direction is too much to expect of you. You confuse me every fucking way possible, but one thing is clear to me:

I think my heart is finally making sense.

The words that buzz in my head are slowly calming down to a soft, nostalgic scenery. The ocean's roars are quietening; they're silent when I'm around you— sitting beside you.

     So, despite the absolute train wreck you are, I can say with complete certainty that I am irrevocably and totally in love with you, and I don't know what the hell to do about it.

february • eren yeagerWhere stories live. Discover now