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"You really like me?"

"You have no idea"



Liam startled awake as he heard the loud voice. He squinted his eyes in the darkness of the library.

Wait. Why are the lights off?

The library was too quite for his liking. He didn't know for how many hours he had been sitting here at this table, trying to finish this stupid English essay that professor Walter had given them two days ago.

It wasn't unusual. His sixty years old professor would give them projects to be completed in short notices. And even though most of the students do not really care about finishing them, Liam wasn't one of them.

Not only is he supposed to write an essay, but he also has to prepare a short ppt about it. He had written the essay already and was making the ppt, maybe at that time he must've taken a nap. Well that power nap turned into a full fledged sleep.

He knew he shouldn't have listened to Louis. His roommate and friend had asked him to not come to their dorm because he has company.

The curly haired boy had thought that after completing this stupid essay in the library, he'll visit his parents. The drive would take two hours but it would be worth it.

He hadn't seen his family in the past one week. He's oddly attached to his parents and his sisters still pamper him. The boy is already twenty years old, but he's still the baby of the Payne family.

The pressure of upcoming exams had made him go mad. Not only that, he didn't want his family to see his sullen face.

Henry, his boyfriend of almost a year just broke things off one fine day a week ago. Liam didn't even get a proper reason for such a step. He had thought that they both loved each other. They were together for a year but their romance had started budding even before then.

He still remembers how they met. Henry was in the college football team, already in his second year while Liam had just gotten in. Their meeting was by chance and people would call their encounter quite cliche.

The nerd meets the jock.

Henry had caught the curly haired one's eye from their first meeting itself. And he knew his senior felt the same.

The football player had ask him out countless times and Liam would only reject him, simply because he wanted to see how much effort Henry will put. Finally the curly haired one agreed to go out with him.

Their relationship was going pretty well, they didn't fight like usual couples and though there were little tiffs between them, they were never serious. They both had a certain level of trust and no matter what cliche thinking everyone has about the football players, Liam knew Henry wasn't one of them.

After a couple of failed relationships in his high school, Liam finally thought that he had found the one. Sadly, he was wrong.

Henry had simply said that they had lost the spark between them, which, come to think of it, Liam had realised too at some point.

The curly haired one knew, not everyone looks for a long term relationship. And Henry is a type of person who likes the challenges life, experiencing new things every now and then.

While Liam was a person who believes in forever love, Henry was only looking for a pass time.

From the beginning the curly haired boy knew Henry's view, but he fooled himself to believe that maybe he could change the other boy.

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