|☀︎︎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1 ☀︎︎|

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~Sora's POV

Today was nice. It hasn't been this nice out since 2 or 3 weeks ago. I didn't really plan on doing anything today, just like every other Saturday. I had no idea where anyone in the house was right now, besides my mom. She was at a meeting somewhere. My sister, Rose, was out with her friends today. And Light was supposed to be coming over here, but I might end up going to his house.

'Alright, we're going to go get him,' I thought to myself, finally getting out of my bed. I was already dressed since I went out for a while earlier. I left my room and went downstairs. Once I got to the front door, I put my shoes on, grabbed my lanyard, and exited my house, locking the door behind me.

I walked along the sidewalk until I reached Light's house. We didn't live too far apart, it only took a few extra minutes to get there. When I stood in front of his house, I whistled loud enough for him to probably hear.

Then, there was knocking. I looked around and saw Light in his window, waving, to which I returned the wave. Light then put his finger up like 'Wait a second', then disappeared from his window. After a few minutes, his front door opened and Light came out.

"Hey! Kind of sorry I didn't come sooner," Light said, walking up to me.

I smiled, "It's alri- What do you mean 'Kind of'!?"

Light just laughed. We just walked around the neighborhood, until we saw something. We saw a moving truck and some people moving into the house. There were some boxes and other things in the yard and porch. And there were a few times when we'd see the people moving into the house. 

Light then nudged me with his elbow, "Wanna go say hi?"

I shook my head, "No. Not yet at least."

"Why not? They seem to just be moving in!

I looked at Light, "Exactly. I don't think we should distract them. If there are any kids over there that are around our age, they'd most likely be going to our school. We could just say hi then."

Light just shrugged his shoulders, "Fair point, I guess." Light then started digging into his pockets, "We could go to the gas station close by. I'ma get a slushie."

"Alright. Race you there!" I say as I start running. 

I heard Light say something like 'Wait hold on', but I kept running. Then, when I got to the entrance of the gas station, I was out of breath and I was trying to catch it. Light came right after me, but he was walking.

I bragged a little about how I won, but Light just shrugged it off. We went inside the gas station and went to the back, where the slushie machine was. Light mixed two flavors like he'd do every time he gets one, and I just stuck with blue raspberry. Maybe with a little tint of cherry, but whatever.

Light paid for his slushie and I paid for mine. While we were leaving, we just talked about random things. Like kids at our school, movies and shows we've watched, and other stuff.

"They're still outside," Light says, looking towards the house where people were moving in.

I nodded, "Yeah, they're probably still unpacking."

"Well, no sh!t Sora!" Light says, poking at me.

I gripped onto his hand so he'd stop poking me, "Hey! You're the one who pointed it out! I thought it was pretty obvious!"

I just scoffed and just started drinking from my slushie again. We walked down the sidewalk towards our houses again, but the whole time I was just thinking about the people moving into the house. Would someone from there really be going to our school? Maybe, I don't kno-


I screamed and quickly whipped my head around to see Levi laughing.

"DON'T DO THAT!" I shouted at him, laughing.

Levi tried to stop laughing, "Sorry, sorry. But your reaction was hilarious."

"No, it wasn't," I said as I stopped laughing.

I looked over at Light, who was calming down from laughing too. We just continued walking home, now with Levi following along with us. While we were going home though, Levi noticed the same people moving in as Light and I did earlier. 

Light kept telling Levi that there were people over there that were our age, but I kept on correcting him, telling him that we didn't know yet. But, we'll find out sooner or later. For now, I was just focusing on my slushie!

Levi shook his head, "Light, calm down a little-"

Light turned around, "I've had a slushie, a pack of skittles, and gummy worms. I'm not calming down for a while."

Levi chuckled, drinking his water. He had a soda too, but he wasn't drinking it right now. 

After a while, we made it back to Light's house. Before Light went inside, Levi followed behind him. I was on the sidewalk, so I just watched when they had a 30-40 second conversation, then they turned around and waved at me. I waved back until they went into the house. 

I'll probably ask Levi later, but not right now. I then started to walk to my house. I get paranoid easily, so I would look behind me every few seconds until I got home. I went inside and took my shoes off, then ran upstairs to my room.

When I got into my room, placed my bag on my desk, and plopped down onto my bed. I rolled over and looked up at my ceiling. Then, got up and walked over to my window. It was getting too warm in my room, so I opened the window. 

I only slightly opened it. I glanced out of my window and saw someone I'd never seen before walking on the other side of the sidewalk. I squinted my eyes and saw someone with red hair, walking down the street, looking around at all of the houses. Then, he looked at mine. 

He must've seen me since he started smiling and waving. I didn't really know what to do, so I just waved back. He then walked away. I didn't think anything of it, but it was kind of sweet. 

I walked over to my desk and grabbed my laptop and bag. I sat down on my bed and opened my laptop. I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do, so I went onto YouTube. I chose the right video and started to eat my snacks.


Word count: 1083

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